Chapter 18

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Scott finally came home but with my mom. "Hey mom." I said awkwardly as my mom came into the house because Scott looked suspicious. Not doing anything bad though, "how'd you get here so fast? I got the car."
"Ah! Derek! Nice to see you again! We walked, and had a very long conversation on how your brother skipped school." My mom said.
"You saw Derek before?!" Scott asked. I bit my lip nervously.
"So I'm early for supper?" Stiles asked opening the door.
"Dude, there's a thing called knocking." Scott said.
"Well I--"
"I just got supper done, but were expecting more guests."
"How many more people?" My mom asked, "We have a small table."
"Two- and your right, so Derek helped be bring the bigger dinning table from down stairs up here."
"I never knew we had a bigger dinning table." Scott said, there was a knock on the door. Stiles opened it and there was Damon and Stefan Salvatore both in tux.
"The Salvatore's. Mom, this is Stefan, and this is Damon." I said.
"Oh nice to meet you." My mom said.
"You have quite a nice Family Mrs. McCall."
"Come in, Leny made her famous- what was it?"
"Chicken piccata pasta--"
"Yeah, and cheese cake." My mom said.
"Well I brought my world famous pie." Damon said.
"Well come on in." My mom said, "if we don't feed more people we will have a lot of left overs." They laughed.
"Thank you." Stefan said, they walked in and we sat down. I served everyone, and we all began to eat.
"I hear Derek is quite the charmer."
Damon said.
"Wouldn't be his forte." I mumbled.
"Where do you work, Damon?" My mom asked, I was to zoned out and looking at an impala that drove into the drivewayI was to distracted by the Beautiful Impala that drove into the drive way. Two very tall men exited the car and knocked on our door. One very tall with brown hair and the other shorter and blonde hair.
"I'll get it." I said, I opened the front door.
"Hello are you parents home--"
"Trust me, I'm the best person to ask if you have questions." I said, "what's up?"
"Were FBI agents." The shorter guy said.
"Yeah, we have a few questions about the murders that have been happening here in Beacon Hills." The taller guy said.
"Yeah, what do we have anything to do with it."
"Just a simple routine questions ma'am." The shorter guy said, I raised my eyes brows.
"So I look like a ma'am? If so you look like a old man." I snapped. The taller guy chuckled.
"What--" the taller guy interrupted the shorter guy.
"We just have a few simple questions."
"Badges." I said, I put out my hand. My mom went running out the door.
"Sorry honey I have to run to the hospital really quickly. A patient of mine has to go under surgery--" She got into the car, and drove off.
They placed their badges in my hand, I closely inspected it.
"You look familiar." The larger one said.
"Probably in a porno." I smiled and went back to inspecting, "alright. Join us for dinner, surely hunters will make a good ease to the table of supernatural creatures," I followed them in.
"There's Chicken piccata pasta." I said, "and pie and cheesecake for dessert."
"I couldn't say no to pie." The shorter man said.
"Agent, a word." The taller one said, they turned away from me.
"What's your real names." They looked at each other skeptical, "come on you can tell a familiar face."
"I'm Sam Winchester."the taller one said, "and Dean Winchester, were brothers." Derek shifted a bit at their names.
"Well come on in, we have room for two more!"
"We really should be--" I grabbed their cheeks.
"Sit and have dinner with us." I said and smiled.
"Fine." Dean, the shorter one said, "no funny business ok?"
"You got it." We sat down at the table.
"Alright, now real talk.. What kind of deep shit am I in- Oh Sam, Dean, this is Scott, Stiles, Stefan, Derek and Damon. And I don't think i introduced myself, but I'm Leny." I said, "Literally everyone here's name starts with the D or A S but me." I said, "illuminati confirmed."
"S equals satan. Satanicisim confirmed." Stiles added
"Uh, and the d-- you know what I noticed? The best people and most sarcastic people, are peoples who's names begun to D's." I said, "plus, their more attractive."
"How old are you?" Dean asked.
"'How old are you, old man?" I asked, Derek looked confused, "inside joke."
"Alright, what is my connection to the originals?" I asked Damon.
"You were turned by one." Damon said, "and they compelled you to forget. Lucky for you, I know just how to break the compulsion."
"Well what is it?" I asked
"It's Jeremy Gilbert." Damon replied.
"Oh, a guy I left you for." I said, he smiled.
"Don't flatter yourself, honey. I left you."
"No, as I recall she dumped your ass for Jeremy." Stefan said, I smiled.
"Your recalled wrong baby brother." Damon said, trying to get Stefan on his side.
"Dean." Sam said, "can I talk to you for a minute." Dean looked at Sam with a mouth full of food. Dean nodded and they left the table. We all- but Stiles- listened in on he conversation.
"I know where I saw her from--"
"Wait was it from a porno?" Dean interrupted Sam, there was a slight pause I imagine Sam was glaring at Dean.
"Really. Come on man, think about back in 2004. Old granny got possessed, dad exercised her. In a small town called Mystic Falls?"
"Oh yeah-"
"Remember that little girl with her?" Sam asked
"Yeah." Dean replied, "Wait a minute, are you saying that little girl, is Leny?"
"Dude, her grandma completely knocked her out when she was younger."
"Yeah." Sam said.
"I heard she screamed so loud that the whole town heard her."
I remember that, Mystic Falls, I was here with my grandma I lived with her. I just stated the obvious, but Damon and Stefan... Damon saved me just before months before leaving Mystic Falls.

*Back in Mystic Falls, Three weeks prior of leaving there...*

There was a pounding in my head as I was getting a bit of taste of hung over as I sat on the floor of the Mystic Grills bathroom, alone I must add. I stumbled out of the bathroom and saw a not to attractive guy staring at me and giving me the eyes. I looked around at the party going on, I was trying to see if he was staring at me or someone else. I took one more shot in hope to ease the hang over until morning. I somehow thought getting more drunk would help my situation.
After taking about three more shots of vodka in my system, the Mystic Grill called it a night. I stumbled home, the same guy from the grill was following me. I would have walked faster but those extra shots I took really were hitting me right in the face. I almost fell and the guy caught me.
"Hey are you ok?" I remember him saying and touching me all over.
"In fine." I backed away from him.
"Come on, let me take you home." He said.
"No." he grabbed me more, "no!" He picked me up and shoved me in a car. No matter how long I said no, he wouldn't stop. He took off my panties, "no!" He was up against me like white on rice. Suddenly the door opened and he was pulled off of me and a handsome blue eyed man came to my rescue. He helped me out, I saw the unattractive man in the floor. Neck snapped.
"Don't be scared." The bright eyed man, "your safe now." He caressed my cheek. His hands were soft but cold.
"Who are you?" He smiled, making me feel safe.
"I'm Damon Salvatore." He said, "what's your address?"
"Where's your address? That's where I wanna be." He chuckled, "alright."

*back in real time*

"We banged?!" I yelled at Damon, "after we meet, after you killed that guy?!"
"Yes, I take full responsibility--" I slapped Damon.
"Get out of my house! Now! Before a beating will be the least of your worries." I said
"Fine." Damon said, "lets go brother. Looks like we are not welcome here."
"He's welcome, not you, come near my house again and... and!"
"And what?" Damon said.
"I don't know but i assure you it won't be good for you or your brother!"

(Teen wolf/ vampire diaries/ SPN fanfic) Bad Girls Do it WellWhere stories live. Discover now