Chapter 4

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I woke up and I was on a hospital bed, I saw my mom crying on the side of me in her nurse clothes. I looked on my other side and my older brother Scott was sitting there. She handed me my glasses and I put them on. The doctor walked in and my mom stood up, "oh your awake." The doctor said, "good we have news reporters here for you."
"Where's Grayson?" I asked.
"He's sleeping." Scott said.
"Is he fine can I see him?" I asked.
"No you have to rest." He said.
"No tell me where Grayson is." I said.
"Leny rest." He said, I got up and grabbed the the IV I was hooked up to. "Mom take me to Grayson's room." I said, she grabbed my hand and lead me to a room. We took lots of turns and we finally got to the room. I saw him, his lips were white and he looked died. I began to cry, "oh my god, I'm sorry gray. I don't know what happened." I cried harder, my mom left the room. "I'm sorry I ran into the woods, I'm sorry I got you hurt I don't want to see my boyfriend hurt." I grabbed his hand. And kissed his lips. There was a knock on the door and it opened. A news reporter walked in and camera man with a camera walked in. "what?" I asked.
"We are here to interview you." He said.
"Not interested." I said.
"It will only take a few moments." He said.
"You have ten seconds to get out of here before I go ballistic."  I said, "ten.."
"It will--"
"Please my job is on the line--"
"Were not leaving--"
"It will only take--"
"Were on in three.. two.. one."
"Today we are joined by a survivor of a attack by a creature with fangs, standing right next to me in Leny McCall one of the two survivors. Can you please describe but hurt you Leny?" He looked at me.
"Don't any of you have respect for people? I could have died and your making a damn story about it.." I said, "now. This is live right?"
"Yes ma'am." The news reporter said with a smile.
"Now tell me." I said, "I am a minor. And my mom would never agree on me being on a news story. This is illegal, and I could send you to court."
"Are you the police?" He asked.
"No sir, but I know the sheriff." I said, i kicked the camera on the ground, breaking the camera.
"BITCH!" The camera man said and grabbed the broken pieces.
My brother Scott walked in the room, the news people pushed through Scott.
"what happened? What attacked you?" He asked, I sat down.
"I don't know." I said, "I think it was the alpha. But I couldn't see nothing in front of me. So I don't know." Stiles walked in.
"Are you ok?" He asked
"Sure." I said, and got pissed. "Why would the alpha attack me and Grayson?!" He nodded.
"To turn you maybe--"
"Yeah, but that doesn't make sense!" I said.
"Maybe he thought you would be a hot werewolf girlfriend." Stiles suggested.
"No! God stiles-- Scott, you know how you don't actually turn full wolf when you transform? Is it the same with the Alfa?"
"Actually I can turn even ever I want--"
"What if I'm not a werewolf? What if I'm a--"
"If you say vampire--"
"Vampire." I finished.
"You said it, she said it. She said vampire." Stiles said.
"Well what else can I be? I'm blood thirsty! I don't know how to explain it! I don't even need my contacts anymore! But what if I am a vampire? This is serious!"
"We have to see if vampires even exist. We don't even know, maybe you could be a different kind of werewolf! We have to ask Derek." Scott said.
"No!" Stiles said, "not Derek."
"Who's Derek--"
"But that makes no sense! I've only heard of three kinds, the Alfa, the beta, and the omega! Those are all!" Scott said.
"Who knows."

(Teen wolf/ vampire diaries/ SPN fanfic) Bad Girls Do it WellWhere stories live. Discover now