Chapter 5

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My mom came in my room with my dinner. "Mom I'm not hungry." I said.
"You haven't ate all day." She said, "and also I am a nurse and as a mom to see that your ok!"
"Is Grayson ok?" I asked.
"Go see." She said, I walked to Grayson's room. He was awake with Ethan sitting next to him. "Hey gray--"
"Stay the hell away from me!" Grayson said.
"What?" I asked.
"It's over!" He said, "done!" With that I closed the room door. And felt dizziness portray me as I walked back to my room.
I laid on my bed and I really didn't want to eat. I had a craving for something but I can't find out what it is.. wait it's blood isn't it? Damn !  Do I have to like hunt down a person and like eat them alive or some shit? I don't fucking know!  I walked though the hallways, once the dizziness really got to me I about fell. "Are you ok?" A guy asked.
"yeah I'm just dizzy." I said.
"Want me to take you to your room?" He asked, through my dizziness I saw the attractive man.
"How you doin-"
"I got it." Stiles said, he put his hand around my waist and well he appeared out of nowhere.
"Alright." The guy said and walked away.
"Shit what was that about?" I asked, we walked to my room. I saw stiles in a set next to the bed smiling like crazy, "What?" e make a heart with his hands. I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. "You need to eat." Scott said.
"I'm not hungry." I said.
"Eat the food Leny." Scott said.
"I'm not hungry." I said, I flipped the food to the floor.
"People in Africa could have eaten that tray!" Stiles said.
The doctor walked in the room. "Hello Leny I just wanted to check up on you, how are you doing?" The doctor said.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Well tomorrow in the morning you can go home but you have to take pills." The doctor said, I nodded and he walked out, "I'm going to hook this up and you might get a bit sleepy." He put a needle in my other arm and hung the clear liquid and left the room.
"How did he not notice the food--"
"Eat it or I will." Stiles said, I looked at him oddly, "I'm joking sometimes older people jokes."
"Shut up about mean girls already we get it your gay." I said, Scott bursted out laughing.
"Hey if I'm gay then your me gay lover." Stiles said to Scott, Scott stopped laughing.
"Oh shit." I murmured.
"That's not funny." Scott said.
"Yeah it is." I said.
"Then why aren't you laughing?" He asked.
"I'm laughing on the inside." I said.
"Oh you don't need these anymore." Scott said and took off my glasses. I could see clearly.
"What the hell did that guy do to me?" I asked.
"You have perfect vision. twenty twenty vision when you know." He said.
"Did you know that twenty twenty vision isn't actually perfect vision? It just means you can see twenty miles in front of you." I looked at stiles hair, "grow your hair boy." He smiled. "I'm not kidding. Hey don't you have school work for me to do?"
"Cough nerd cough." Scott said.
"Hey Stiles." I curled my finger indicating him to come closer to me. He leaned in and I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him in a kiss, "I'm not going to remember this." And fell asleep.

(Teen wolf/ vampire diaries/ SPN fanfic) Bad Girls Do it WellKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat