Chapter 25

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(Episode 4, season 2)
*Third person POV*
At the game, Leny tightened up her pads and relaxed all her muscles. She had been stressed about the game and how the team was gonna do.
"Alright coach. What position am I gonna play?" She asked coach Finstock.
"Bench manager." He replied, Leny crossed her arms in anger, she was the best in the team.
"Excuse me?" She sassed
"Sorry." He shrugged and turned away. Leny scoffed.
"Fine then." She said, she took off her lacrosse pads and threw them on the bench. She went to the other teams bench, "hello boys."
"Hello, gorgeous." A very buff guy said.
"Hello handsome." She said, and put her hand on his arm flirtatiously.
"Aren't you a part of the cheerleading squad?"
"No, but aren't you the abomination? Or was that just the name your parents gave you when you were born?" She asked.
"Oh." His teammates said.
"Yes I am the abomination, no my parents didn't give me the name. I got it because of squishing worthless teams like you." He said.
"Oh really? Is that so?" She asked, "because, I bet.. you going to be knocked out if you don't fix your attitude--"
"By who you?" He asked.
"Yes me." She said, "I may not be that big. But honestly, how bad can you be? You just gotta mouth on you." She flipped her hair and walked off.

During the game Leny was jumping up out of her seat when ever the other team scored a point. Then number nine was thrown to the floor by the abomination. The abomination looked at Leny and smirked.
"OH COME ON IS THAT THING EVEN A TEENAGER?! I WANNA SEE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE!" Coach Finstock yelled. I was uneasy, wanting to go in really badly.

And then Danny, a guy guy from school was down. Leny grabbed onto him so he wouldn't fall onto the ground. "How many Fingers am I holding up?" Coach Finstock asked, he put two fingers up.
"Uh, four." Danny said.
"Say two!" Coach corrected.
"Two?" Danny said, confused.
"Your still short two players coach!" The ref said, Leny began to put on her lacrosse pads, hoping she would get to go in.
"Coach." Leny said, "I'm going in right?" Finstock looked around.
"WHERES STILES?!" Coach yelled, I looked around the benches but he wasn't there. And he wasn't on the field because stiles was NEVER on the field.
"Coach I can go in!" Leny said.
"No." He said, "DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO PLAY LACROSSE?!" He yelled into the stands, "YOU!" He pointed to a African American kid.
"Coach! IM RIGHT HERE!" Leny yelled.
"No leny--"
"I'm going in!" Leny said and ran into the field.
"No Leny--"
"Ok coach that's two!" The ref said. We all got into positions and the abomination was in Front of Leny.
"Your gonna get hurt." The abomination said.
"Sure." Leny said, the ref blew the whistle. Leny and the abomination charged to each other. The lunged at each other, which leny was pretty sure that it shook the ground. Leny got the upper hand and knocked him down. A needle went plunging into Leny's Leg."ah!" Leny knew right away there was a substance in the needle and it was vervain. Leny pulled it out with out making a big commotion. She threw it out of the field. It burned like hell but she wouldn't give the assassin the satisfaction of her pain by vervain.

*Leny's Pov*
I raised my hands in the air because we won the game. Everyone lifted me in the air and cheered my name. Once I got down, I hugged coach. "Thanks for the opportunity--"
"STILES NO!" The voice of Derek echoed from the school pool. My eyebrows drew together.
"Uh thanks coach, your great!" I said and patted his back. I ran into the school where I threw off all of my lacrosse gear. I was only in Spanx and a sports bra. How ever I wouldn't complain because it was comfortable. I opened the door to the pool. I saw Derek and stiles in the pool, stiles supporting Derek's weight.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"WATCH OUT!" Stiles screamed.
"What do you me--" Something jumped on top of me, it hissed, "Ok I will give you a lollipop if you get off of me! One.. two.. three-- AH!" It slashed my back with claws, "GOD DAMN IT!" I flipped it off of me, and hissed at it back.
It looked at me confused, "Yeah little bitch, doesn't feel go good when you get hiss at, does it?!"
"Uh... Leny I don't think that's why it's confused." Stiles said, I tiled my head to the thing confused, "it has venom that's poisonous."
"Well I'm already died." I said, I punched the thing in the face, knocking it back. It climbed on the wall and crashed threw the glass ceiling of the room and escaped. I looked around the room and saw Erica on the ground.
"What the hell was that thing?" I asked, Scott entered the room with my lacrosse gear in hand, "hello brother." I hugged him.
"You ran off at practice and the game before I could hug you."
"Are you ok?" He asked looking at Erica.
"Uh, a little help here!" Stiles said, he began to paddle with Derek in his hands.
"What the hell was that thing anyway, and why are you carrying Derek?" I asked. Scott tried to pull Derek out but failed. He pulled and pulled. I scoffed, "move." I grabbed Derek's under arms and pulled him to the floor.
"Woe." Scott said.
"I'm not weak." I said.
"What that thing was you asked." Scott said.
"We don't know." Derek said, "and that things poison, it paralyzes people. It did to me."
"Huh." I said, "why didn't it work on me?"
"We'll figure that out when we find out what the thing is." Stiles said.
"But for now we're going home." Scott said.
"Yeah, uh... Derek, want me to take you home or leave you." Stiles asked.
"Take me home." Derek said.
"Alright. I'll grab him." Scott said.
"Are you serious? You couldn't pull me out of the water." Derek complained.
"Well I'm sore!" Scott protested.
"Yeah." I said, "I'll take Erica."
"Wait, you know Erica?" Scott asked.
"Yeah I just met her this afternoon." I said, "she's cool. And, I don't want to see mom Scott." I saw Derek get up, "Looks like the poison wore off." I said.
"Yeah." Stiles said.
"What do you mean you don't want to see mom?!" Scott said.
"I'll take you home Derek." I said, and picked up Erica.
"Leny! Why don't you wanna see mom?!" Scott asked.
"Does Erica live with you?" I asked Derek, completely ignoring Scott.
"Leny! Why don't you wanna see mom!" Scott exclaimed.
"I don't think I should. She doesn't even know I'm here."
"I'm pretty sure she does, you were the champion of the game. You took down the abomination."
"I don't.." I sighed, my eyes began to tear up, "I just don't want to see mom ok?"
"Why what happened?" Scott asked, I sniffled.
"I did bad things in Hawaii, scott." I said.
"What'd you do?" He asked.
"P-please d-don't get mad, I couldn't control it-"
"Leny, what did you do?" Scott asked.
"When I feed, bad things happen. I-I Kill people when I feed." I said, he looked shocked.
"Kill people?!" He asked.
"I-I didn't mean to!" I said, "but I don't just drain their blood--"
"Let me guess, you rip their head off?" Derek asked.
"Yes, Derek she rips people's heads off!" Stiles said sarcastically.
"Yeah, I do.. and they can feel all of the pain--"
"There's the star athletes!" A old man said at the door, and Allison by his side, "say, why don't you come over for dinner?" I hid behind Scott and wiped my tears, "were you in the po--"
"Actually, Leny and I have--"
"Great! Get dressed, we'll meet you in the car!" The old man said and left with Allison.
"Who the hell was that?" I asked.
"Allison's grandpa." Scott said.
"Well, lets go!" I said, "I have never been one to turn down dinner now have I? We will now leave." I put down Erica. And we were out the door.

(Teen wolf/ vampire diaries/ SPN fanfic) Bad Girls Do it Wellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें