“Plan B?” Zane questioned.

“Yep.” Echo said before he lunged forward, and managed to tackle Zane.

“Tickle, tickle big brother.” Echo said as he tickled Zane.

Zane then bursted out laughing.
“Stop Echo!” Zane laughed out as Echo went on.

Echo just giggled slightly as he went on tickling his big brother. Jay held in his laughter and stayed in place, while smirking. Everyone had known Zane was surprisingly ticklish, especially Echo. Echo went on tickling his big brother, and Zane was completely helpless against him.

“I'll stop if you promise not to tackle Jay for dying your hair.” Echo said with a smile

Zane laughed again as Echo went on.
“Alright...alright...I...won't….get..him…” Zane choked out through his laughter.

After hearing this, Echo stopped tickling Zane. Zane laid there for a moment, trying to catch his breath. He then got up and headed off the deck, saying something about endlessly shampooing his hair to get the dye out. Once Zane was out of ear shot, Echo went over to help Jay up.

“You owe me now.” Echo said with a grin as he pulled Jay to his feet.

“Alright. Thanks for saving me, what do you want in return?” Jay asked

Echo thought for a moment.
“10 cookies.” Echo said happily

Jay laughed slightly.
“10?” Jay asked to confirm.

Echo nodded yes. Jay grinned. Echo has been the biggest cookie lover Jay had ever seen. And to think it had all started when a pillow got thrown at him.

“Alright, I'll see what I can do for you.” Jay said with a wink before headed towards the kitchen.

Echo quickly followed, but instead of heading into the kitchen, he headed up to his room. Echo’s room was right next to Zane's. It used to be an old storage room, but Zane and the others cleaned it up. It was now all Echo’s room.  Echo had his room setup similar to Zane's. He had a bed on one side, a dresser next to his desk up by the window, and a couple of bookshelves on the other wall. He heard the sound of Zanes door being shut. Echo headed under his bed and pulled out a small box. He opened it up, and within it were multiple cookies and chocolate bars. Echo pulled out a chocolate bar and rehid the box. Echo then left his room and went over to Zane's door. He knocked a couple times.

“Come in.” a muffled voice says.

Echo hides the bar behind his back and walks in. He see Zane drying the remaining parts of his hair. Luckily for Jay, Zane's hair was no longer blue and was back to being silver.

“What wrong Echo?” Zane asked as he readjusted his ninja gi.

Echo then handed Zane the chocolate bar. Zane grinned at Echo as he took it.
“Here so you won't get upset with Jay anymore. Can I have your help?” Echo asked

Zane set the bar down on his bed and he turned back to Echo.
“What do you need help with?” Zane asked curiously

“I need your help to repair Gizmo.” Echo said shyly.

“Of course, where is he?” Zane asked as he grabbed a few tools out of his desk.

Echo lead Zane over into his room. He then pulled a small robot off his bed. Echo handed it to Zane.

“He hasn't worked properly since Kai accidentally stepped on him.” Echo said sadly.

Poor Gizmo was sparking everywhere. Zane smiled at Echo.
“Dont worry, I can fix him.” Zane said with a smile.

After a few hours, Zane fixed up Gizmo. He clicked a button and Gizmo whirled to life.
“Gizmo!” Echo cried out happily as the little robot rolled straight to him.

Zane grinned as he watched Echo and Gizmo play around on the floor.

“Thanks Zane!” Echo said happily.

“Of course.” Zane said as he hugged Echo.

The two then played around a bit until the worst words were said.
“Guys! Dinner is ready!” Cole called from the kitchen.

Echo and Zane froze. They both shared a look before heading downstairs. Everyone sat down and looked nervously at what Cole had made. It looked like chili but with lots of red flakes and what Jay swore what was a live octopus tentacle. All of them got halfway through before stopping. Each of them looked like they were going to be sick. Cole left to go do dishes and everyone gagged. Lloyd then challenged Jay to a video game duel, and everyone headed into the game room.

“Zane, Echo wanna join?” Kai offered

The two shook their heads.
“No thanks, we would rather watch you guys instead.” Zane said kindly

After a few hours, it was a tie between Lloyd and Jay. There was the soft patter of raindrops outside.
“I am heading to bed.” Nya said before she left the room.
Each of the guys quickly followed and headed into their rooms.

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