In the Host Club room, the Host Club members were already in cosplay. The theme for today figure skating uniforms since Renge keep obsessing over an anime called Yuri on Ice. Apparently, a lot of girls were obsessing over the shipping of Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov. Renge went so far as to get the exact figure skating outfits from the show for the Host Club to wear.
"What's taking (Y/N) so long." Hikaru lets out a sigh. He puts on the finishing touches to his outfit.
"Yeah. She's normally on time. I won't not picture her as getting lost. Especially with that incredible photographic memory of hers." Karou mentions. He puts lip balm on to keep his lips from chapping.
"Oh my gosh! What if she has been taken by the mafia or even aliens!?" Tamaki screams hysterically.
"Calm down, sempai. I'm sure she is only dealing herself from wearing these costumes. And how come I have the blue version of what you're wearing." Haruhi asks Tamaki.
"Because at the end of episode twelve, the two male protagonists were figure skating in the same but different colored outfits. It was just so beautiful." Renge remarks with sparkles in her eyes. "Oh, I am going to text (F/N) right now." Renge left the room with the large motor she usually makes an entrance with.
"It would appear Renge-chan is getting pretty chummy with (F/N)-chan." Honey mentions. Mori nods his head in agreement.
"They exchanged numbers during the Valentine's Day party with Class F from Tonan High School." Kyoya explains.
"(F/N) seems to be getting influenced by Renge's otakuness as of late. From what I head, this Yuri On Ice show is not a typical yaoi. Rather, it centers around the beginning of the two male protagonists' same-sex relationship." Hikaru comments.

"Same-sex relationship? That seems like something we would approve off it was between two women." a voice spoke up. The Host Club members turn to see the three members of the White Lily League appear at the door. Benio had her hand placed on (Y/N)'s left shoulder, bringing the (h/c)-colored hostess more closer to her.
"Lobelia!! Not again!!!" Tamaki, Hikaru, and Karou exclaimed. The rest of the Host Club members to surprise to see the Zuka Club at their school.

Your POV

"I am shocked to see the Host Club is not only dragging Haruhi down, but they are also using this sweet young maiden to join them in their despicable macho fantasies." Benio states. She let goes of me to confront the other members of the Host Club. "We came here to convince Haruhi to transfer over to Lobelia, but apparently we need to take this maiden with us as well." 

"I do have a name. It's (Y/N) Irie." I say to them.
"(Y/N)! What were you thinking about bringing them here!? Didn't Daddy tell you not to talk to strangers?! And what's more is that these girls are after my Haruhi!" Tamaki-sempai rushes over to grab me, but Benio punches him straight in the face.
"Leave her alone." Benio tells him. Tamaki-sempai crawls backwards while the rest of the Host Club are trying to calm him down with child-like things. To be honest, Tamaki-sempai looks like a hurtful child as he holds onto his red cheek. Not that I would blame him or anything. While the Host Club and the Zuka Club were distracted with Tamaki's weeping, Haruhi comes over to me quietly.
"Hey (Y/N), did they bring you here by force? Or did you invited them here?" she whispers in my ear.
"They dragged me here. I was on my way here with the instant coffee, and I met them in front of the school. Apparently, they want me to host them."
"Say what!!!!!" The Host Club, except Kyoya-sempai and Mori-sempai, say in utter shock.
"That's correct. We want both Haruhi and (Y/N) to host us. I'm sure even you won't disregard our request." Benio says.
"Aren't you guys supposed to be in your own school?" Hikaru asks the Zuka Club.
"Yeah. How come you guys were able to get pass through security?" Karou asks as well.
"We came here with permission from the Drama Club faculty supervisor." Chizura says.
"To answer your second question, we simply just walk right through the school's gates. You boys really have no intelligences whatsoever." Hinako says. While the twins were giving glares at them, Kyoya-sempai tells them to calm down.
"We were asked to help the Drama Club with their next play, considering we perform raving musicals numbers and performances. Benio explains.
"While we give the Ouran Drama Club tips and pointers, we were wondering if it would be alright for these two young ladies to host us afterwards." Chizura says hopefully.
"This will only be after we finished working with the Drama Club. We, too, need some relaxation after working so hard. The five of us can have a little tea party in the Drama Club room." Hinako adds on.
"Are you kidding me? Absolutely no-" Tamaki-sempai was about to reject their offer until someone interrupt them.
"That will be fine." We all turn to Kyoya-sempai. He fixes his glasses a bit. "On the condition you pay for the hosting fees for both Haruhi and (Y/N), I have no objection to letting them go off the premises of our club room. Also, we insist for the Drama Club faculty supervisor to be overseeing this hosting."
"But Kyoya-" Tamaki wanted to keep objecting to the idea.
"We accept those terms." the Zuka Club all say in unison. I see the Host Club is not happy with Kyoya-sempai's decision. Haruhi and I looked at each other. We were both clueless on what just transpired.

Kyoya-sempai, what are you planning? 

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