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This is how it ends looking Death in the eyes. Honestly I didn't think it would end this way. I thought I was gonna die of old age and have like 3 kids. Well dying trying to save the ones I care about isn't a bad way to go. When I was smaller my dad told me "The moment before your death you see your past replay in your head and you finally realize who you are. Well i lost my past a long time ago when the lab my father was working exploxed.
A gas was released changing people by giving them powers, or for me and a few others into monsters you would see in a horror movie. The humans it power was dubbed Medi-Humans (dumb name if you ask me) and us monsters Beast. Most humans who turned into beast lost all sense of reason. I was lucky only to forget my past. I woke up in a jail cell lost as one could be. This is where my story begins.

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