white privilege

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Dear white people,

the day that at least half of our race can acknowledge their privilege, is a day that we will be one step closer to ending hatred. White privilege is not just a perception, a theory, or a presumption; there is proven statistics that evidently prove how much easier a white mans life is in America.

If you're white and not socially aware, I'm sure you at least have preconceived notions of why POC are maybe—"envious" of white people.  We. Get. Away. With. Everything. I witness my privilege way too much—I'm a blonde, blue-eyed white girl. Authorities look at me, and they will smile and wave even though I could have thousands of dollars worth of stolen goods in my bag. (I have never done that, but I'm just saying.)

Let me tell you, my family has never experienced any injustices in America. Even when a few of my family members have gone down a wrong path and deserved punishment, they have wiggled out of things. Is this because most of my family is white, blonde haired, and blue-eyed? Most likely. We're perceived as these great beings by the media—everything is in our favor.

I've been with my friend, and plenty of times she has stolen lots of face washes, makeup, etc. and security, workers, etc. will just smile and tell her to "have a nice day." But, a middle-aged Hispanic man behind us will get asked for the receipt? Do stores instill this type of mindset on their workers, or are employees themselves just blatantly racist? Many of times has she gotten away with this, even when her bag looks heavier. She could blatantly steal in a workers face, and she wouldn't be looked at twice. I. HAVE. BEEN. WITH. HER. WHEN. SHE. DOES. THIS. White, straight brown hair with blue eyes, freckles, and pale skin, She has never gotten a questioning stare, and possibly never will. woahbreanna  can tell you guys all about this, lol.

Even white people in deniable of their privilege, they must have at least preconception of it. They have had privilege their whole lives. When a white child is born, they're born with a scholarship that protects them throughout their life. When they're in the womb, they're already deemed to get into the best of schools and have the highest of paying jobs. Chances are they will never have to face issues with the law, bullying because of their race, and harsh judgement.

When a POC tries to speak out about this, they are immediately shut down. They are only saying, "Hey, can we at least try to matter like that? We matter too.." and white people are blatantly saying NO. There is nearly 3 million members in the KKK, and they hold meetings everywhere throughout the country. I refuse to believe white people have acknowledged another races significance until the KKK has diminished.

I have a question, who the fuck is letting the KKK still stay around? Why have they not been shut down????????80853u498t8y5t5 I'M ANGRY.

There is hardly any diversity on the media. There is so many beautiful cultures, and people yet white people are praised when their culture is stealing land and genocide. When a white person speaks their opinion, it's like they're a God. Like, when I see stuff about fashion and models, I wanna see people of every race embracing their culture and where they've come from. That itself is the most beautiful thing. But, white people do not accept unfamiliarity. And if they do, it is because they are building themselves on exploitation and appropriation. They will scoff in disgust at something of cultural significance to a specific race or religious group, but when they're bored with themselves, they will take that idea and use for some sort of validating edge.

Now, only white people can get away with saying "I'm not stealing your culture, you're stealing mine when you dye your hair blonde." Honestly, fuck off, white people.

You want America to heal, but racism is the ultimate thing holding us back. Saddening to say that the race that is most looked up to is most of the problem.

White people, everything is in your favor. At least realize that.

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