They were beautiful.

Both were delicate rose gold chains, a slim bar decorated with diamonds holding the ends of the chains together.

On the inside of one the word 'forever' was engraved and the other had 'and always.'

"It's not much but one day she's gonna admit her love to you and I know Lauren. She'll shower you in extravagances and you can't leave the house so I figured when you decide the time is right, you can give her one of these and you keep the other," Normani explained.

"That's the most thoughtful gift I've ever been given," She smiled and the older girl grinned.

"I tried," She flipped her hair before embracing the Latina into a hug. "I'm sorry for being horrible."

"It's okay," Camila assured her.

"Kay let's get back to the others before your girlfriend starts freaking out that I've killed you," Normani laughed and Camila blushed.

"She's not my girlfriend," She muttered, letting her hair fall over her face to hide the blush.

"Sure babe and Dinah isn't mine," Normani quipped, playing innocent as they met up with the others in the living room.

"Where did you two go?" Lauren questioned, sitting on Dinah's lap for some unexplained reason.

"We just talked," Normani laughed, winking at Camila subtly.

"Does Mila still have all her body parts?" Dinah joked, not trusting her girlfriend to be nice.

"I'm fine DJ," Camila laughed, walking over to pat her head but Lauren grabbed her by the waist, pulling her onto her knee so Dinah was practically suffocating under them.

"Awe look Mani it's my and my ship, take a photo," Dinah cooed, wrapping her arms around the pair.

Normani grabbed Dinah's phone whilst the three girls all smiled widely for the picture.

"What's a ship?" Camila asked cluelessly, turning to face Lauren and Dinah.

"Like, when two people are cute together you ships them, like into a relationship. Their ship name is Norminah cause it's their names combined, so ours would be Camren," Lauren explained and the younger girl nodded, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Cause me and ma boo are cute," Dinah bounced, pausing between each word so they came out snappy and Normani blew her a kiss.

"God you'll make me sick," Lauren pulled a disgusted face and Camila giggled.

"Oh shut up Laurenza, you're whipped," Dinah commented, still unfazed by the weight on her legs.

"I am not!"

Normani sniggered and Lauren looked at her helplessly.

"Tell your girlfriend!"

"Sorry Laur, its not that it's a bad thing, I think it's cute," Normani assured her.

"I hate you," Lauren grumbled, "I don't even know why I let you in my house."

"Cause we brought food," Dinah sang, "ooh that reminds me, Mila we bought you a late birthday present!"

She pushed the two girls off her, darting into the kitchen and leaving Camila speechless. She turned to Normani, a frown set on her face.

"Consider it an extra apology gift," The dark skinned girl mouthed, smiling.

Dinah returned holding out a wrapped object and Camila took it off of her, carefully unwrapping it.

"Oh it's lovely," Camila gasped at the silver Nomination Bracelet, holding it between her fingers, "how did you know?"

"Well Lauser here was venting to us about how she felt sorry for you cause you lost your bracelet your Mom gave you so we thought we'd get you one. We didn't know what charms it had on it so we thought you could start a new one," Normani explained and Camila ran her fingers over the one charm already on it.

"It means friendship, because the heart goes on forever," Dinah added, explaining the meaning of the infinity heart.

"I love it, thank you so much," She stood up, embracing both of the girls into a tight hug, one arms around each of them.

"You're welcome babe," Normani laughed and Lauren and Dinah raised an eyebrow at the two girl's sudden friendship, both equally confused.

Camila let them go, slipping the bracelet onto her wrist.

"We got you this too, cause we know how miserable and boring Lauren can be and you're all alone with her so we thought you could vent into this," Dinah told her, handing her a white journal with a watercolor splash patten, the words dream on, dreamer written on it in white cursive.

"Thanks," Camila giggled, turning to look at Lauren who looked unimpressed at Dinah's description of her.

"You're meant to defend me Camz," She exclaimed and Camila turned to face her.

"Yeah but you don't buy me presents and they bought me two so.." She shrugged.

"Whatever, I don't need you anyway," Lauren put her hand up, turning her back to her.

"Don't be sad Lolo, I don't think you're boring," Camila told her, walking towards her and jumping onto her back.

"It's a good job you're light or you'd be on the floor," Lauren scoffed and Camila wrapped her arms around her neck, leaning her chin on her shoulder with a content smile.

"I don't know if I find this cute or sickening," Normani commented and Dinah elbowed her, quite enjoying the moment.

"Would you shut yo mouth, my ship is sailing," The Polynesian rolled her eyes, watching Lauren and Camila with a goofy smile on her face.

"You're honestly obsessed, I swear to god I'm worried babe," Normani told her and Dinah shrugged, placing a chaste kiss on the older girl's lips.

"But you love me anyway," Dinah smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, I do," Normani agreed and their cute moment was ruined by an 'awe'.

"You're too cute," Camila exclaimed, swinging her legs excitedly and Dinah flipped her hair.

"Girl, we know."

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now