Chapter 32

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*Graduation Day*

~Zaria's POV~

Lilly and I are graduating today! We're sitting down right next to each other listening to some people give speeches. We're also wearing one of those weird dress outfit things with the hats. Everybody is here. Andy, Sam, my mom, my dad, Ben, Brent, David, Brandon, Hayden, Lee, Jordan, Matt K, and Matt N. I'm so proud of Sam. He knows how to walk. He also talks A LOT. My band, Driven to Insanity, all dropped out of college but we're still a band. They felt they didn't need college if they're going to be in a band. They called our names in alphabetical order from last name. Once they finally called my name, everybody who came to see me yelled. Everyone stared at them like crazy people but they just laughed it off and so did I. I love my family. I shook someones hand and got my diploma and stood next to everyone else. Lilly was the last person up and my family did the same with her. We both laughed and we could finally leave. Andy and Sam, holding hands, came running to me and Andy hugged me while Sam hugged my leg.

"Conratulations beautiful!" Andy said and kissed my cheek

"Congratuwation mommy" Sam said and I picked him up.

"Thanks you guys" I said and kissed Sam's cheek.

"I want a kiss too" Andy said pouting. I leaned in and we kissed.

"Eww!" Sam said and we laughed. Everyone else came and congratulated me. My dad announced there will be a party for me. I swear, we have a party for everything.

"Lillith!" I said and went to hug her.

"Zaria!" She said and we hugged. "We did it" She said her eyes looked like she was going to cry. I smiled at her and a few tears of joy came out of me, and Lilly cried a little too.

"Ok, ok. Do I have mascara on my face?" Lilly asked me

"No, do I?"

"Wait," She said wiping my face, "Not anymore" She said and we laughed. Ben came over to her and they kissed so I left them on their own. Andy was talking to my friend Cassie so I went over there.

"Heyy, guys" I said. Andy went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. "Hi" Andy whispered and I laughed.

"Uhm, you guys are together?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah" I said smiling.

"Oh," She said and left. Well that was rude. But weird at the same time because she was my friend and she doesn't act like that.

"Whats up with her?" I asked

Andy sighed, "I'll tell you later. Now lets get out of here!" Andy said and we went to tell my parents we were going to their house and that we'll see them at the party. Sam was going to be with his baby sitter for the party so I went to talk to him.

"Hey Sammy" I said picking him up

"Hi Mommy" He said smiling

"I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Tomorrow? Why no today?" He looked at me confused.

"Grandma's Taking you to Lucy's today. Is that okay?"

He sighed, "Ok, but I miss you" He said and pouted

"Aw, Sammy, I missed you too, I promise when we get home, we'll get Ice cream deal?"


"Ok, I love you Sam"

"Love you too Mommy" Andy came over to us and hugged Sam.

"I love you Sammy" Andy said

"I love you too Dad" Sam said and reached his hands towards Andy so he can carry him. I gave Sam to Andy and Sam layed his littled head on Andy's chest. Aw, I have to take a picture. I took out my phone and took a cople pictures. Andy is a good dad. When ever he wasn't on tour he would pick him up from my parents house and take him home.

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