Chapter 16

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~Zaria's POV~

I went inside the bus and it was empty. I checked every bunk and no one was here. The back lounge was also empty. I decide to do my make up since it was still early. i changed my clothes too. I put on some skinny jeans and a Bring me the Horizon shirt. I went to look for my dad and his band to see them perform. I found them and went into the crowd. I was dancing around, head banging, and crowd surfing. It was fun, but it was their last song and my dad always tells me to go backstage when its their last song. I went back stage and just watched them from their. They finally finished, and came back here.

"Zaria, were going to talk when we go back to the bus" my dad said

"Ok dad" I said a little bit to cheerful.

"We have a signing to go to, want to come?"

"Can I watch a few bands play?" i asked

"Sure, but go back to the bus when your done."

"Thanks dad" I hugged him and went off to find where Crown the Empire were playing. I found them and did what i normally do in concerts. David saw me and smiled.

"Hey, Zaria, want to come back stage?" he asked when they finished the song they were playing. I went backstage and watched them play from there. He came to me and kissed me.

"Do you want to tell them?"

"Tell them what?" i said with a smirk

"That we're official" I laughed and we agreed to announce it when they finished their set. I head banged to a few of their songs and sang along until finally they finished their set. He whispered something in Andys ear and he nodded his head. He signaled me to come on stage and went on.

"I have to tell you guys something!" he said in the microphone

"This beautiful girl and I are together and she's mine so don't try to steal her" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He was sweaty, but i didn't care. He kissed my cheek and some people awed while others booed. Haters. We got off the stage and started making small talk.

"So, when are we going to tell Oli?" I froze for a second

"I don't know, today? you can come to our bus"

"Ok" he said "Do you want to walk around?"

"Yeah" I replied and he held my hand and we walked around. Some group of girls came up to me and started talking shit.

"Ew. you're with that thing David? You can do WAY better" One girl said and the others nodded. David looked so angry. He went in front of me still holding my hand and said to the girl,

"Shut the fuck up Hayden, all you are is an sluty overly obsessed fan that tried to get with me but couldn't 'cause your ugly as FUCK" The girl just rolled her eyes and went away with her little friends.

"So, that's Hayden?" I asked

"Yeah" he said and laughed "She's a crazy bitch" we both laughed and he held my hand even tighter.

"Don't listen to whatever she says, she's just jealous. Zaria, you are perfect" he stopped walking and held both my hands. He was tall and i was way shorter than him. He looked me in the eyes.

"Zaria, I love you" he said. I watched him say those words.

"I-i Love you too" I said and he leaned down, I went on my tippy toes and we kissed. We stopped when we heard someone clear throat.

"What's this?!" It was my dad.

"Uh-uhm David would you like to explain?" I said with a nervous laugh.

A New Life (Bring me the Horizon, PTV,CTE, OM&M Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ