Chapter 4 Dinner with Lee

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We were driving to a restaurant when Lee asked me,

"So you like Of Mice & Men?"
"Yeah my favorite band actually"

"Cool do you like my band?"

"Never really heard of you guys, but I'll check it out"

"Alright" he says and we just sit in the car with awkward silence.

We arrive to restaurant that I've never been to before. I believe it was called Olive Garden. It looked quite fancy and I felt stupid for wearing skinny jeans and a band tee. "Oh well" I thought

Lee opened the car door for me and I thanked him.

"Anytime gorgeous" He replied and I blushed A LOT.

"Have you been here before?" Lee asks trying to make conversation.

We were just sitting there waiting for our waitress.

"No my first time actually" I say smiling.

Our waitress for the night finally came.

She was pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect white teeth and she had ya know big lady parts.

I saw Lee eyeing her and I think I was getting jealous. Why would I be jealous its not like we're dating.

"May I take your order" she say smirking and staring at Lee.

"Yeah I'll have an order of chicken Alfredo with bread sticks what about you Zaria? "Lee says snapping me out of my daze.

"Uhm I'll just have a chicken salad" I say smiling at the waitress but she gives me a dirty look then winks at Lee than walks away. I saw Lee staring at her bum, and I walked away going to the restroom.

Why was I getting angry? Why was I getting jealous? I don't like him. I don't have feeling for him. But in all  honesty I didn't know.

I was staring at myself in the mirror. Not satisfied with my look. Why cant I e pretty like that waitress? I heard on the knock on the door but I didn't answer. Another three knocks but I still didn't answer. Finally, the person who was knocking spoke up.

"Zaria are you okay?" It was Lee

"Y-yeah" I reply

"Our foods ready at the table come and eat" I took a while to answer but I finally went out.

"What's wrong?" he asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing" I say moving his arm away from me and walking in front of him until I reached our table.

We ate in silence only hearing the sound of us munching on our food until we finished.

"Can I go home now?"  I asked

"Yeah lets go"   Before we can get up our waitress came to pick up our plates. She bended down to get my plate and put her bum in Lee's face. Now I was mad and I let jealousy take over. I wasn't mad because she put her butt in his face I got mad because he kept on staring at it with wide eyes.

We got up and the waitress left.

"You should leave a tip for your waitress or maybe you should just fuck her in the restroom" I  say looking him straight in the eyes.

"Da fuck are you talking 'bout?" he said but I walked out and kept walking the direction my house is.

"Where the fuck are you going?!"   

"Home" I reply

"Get in the car I'm giving you a ride"

"I'm not taking shit from you"

"Well I'm not letting you walk"

"Watch me" I say and keep walking home.

                                                  ~Lee's POV~

I watched her walk away from me. The way she walked was even perfect to me. But if she didn't want a ride fine then she can keep walking.

I got in my car and drove away. Not looking back or slowing down. I honestly didn't know what I did wrong. Why did she just snap at me?

                                                  ~Zaria's POV~

I walked about two miles until I came across a park. It had a swing set so I decided to get on it. I was just swinging and thinking.

He just left me to walk alone to my house. But it was my decision. I got what I wanted, so why was i so mad? I finally let the tears that have been stinging my eyes fall. I'll never be good enough for someone like Lee. That's probably why he just left me to walk.  I stayed for about three hours and it was already dark. I started to get scared so I text Oli.

"Oli can you pick me up?"

"Isn't Lee supposed to bring you back?"

"UH.. long story can you come and pick me up please?"

"Yeah where are you at?"

I told him my location and I waited on the swing.. I saw Oli's car park next to the park and he came and sat on the sing next to mine.

"Zaria what happened?" he asked with a small frown.   I told him the whole story about the waitress and how jealous I was.

I somehow ended up on the ground crying on Oli's chest.

                                                 ~Oli's POV~

Why would Lee do that to my little girl? I understand it was her choice but he's not usually like that. I know she snapped at him but why would he leave her to walk alone? He's not going near her again. I didn't want her getting hurt. Especially from someone so close to me. I felt bad but it had to be. 

A New Life (Bring me the Horizon, PTV,CTE, OM&M Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ