Chapter 22

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*The Next Morning*

~Zaria's POV~

I woke up first than Andy and it was one in the afternoon. I had to get ready for the appointment so I went to take a shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and found five huge hickies. I put on one of Andy's shirt.

"Andy!" I yelled going back to our bed.

"What?" He said sitting up.

"Why did you leave so many?! We're going out today!" He started laughing.

"I forgot, I'm sorry" He said still laughing.

I throw a pillow at him. "It's not funny!" I tried to keep from laughing but I couldn't.

"See! you're even laughing!"

"Whatever" I said and went to take a shower. I guess I took a long shower because Andy was knocking telling me to hurry up.

"Hold on!" I said and finally got out.

"Finally!" He yelled and kissed my cheek and then he got in. Andy has a restroom in his room so I didn't have to get out of the room. Thank god. I wrapped my hair in a towel and did my make up. I put on mascara with eyeliner and eyeshadow that was like a dark blue. I unwrapped my hair and blow dried it then curled it. I wore a black tank top that said Bring Me The Horizon in gold letters tucked in my white shorts. I went downstairs to make something to eat, but Hayden stopped me.

"I wouldn't go down there if I were you" He said



"I don't care about him anymore" I said looking down.

"Ok then" he said and walked away. I walked into the kitchen and I didn't see David in here. Why did Hayden try to stop me? I just shrugged it off and made pancakes and smoothies for Andy and I. I got the food and walked upstairs but stopped half way. Now I know why Hayden stopped me. David was making out with another girl. I could care less though, so I kept on going.

~David's POV~

I found thid girl that looked kind of hot, so I decided to take her home and make Zaria jealous. We were kissing, but it didn't mean anything. I saw Hayden tell her not to go downstairs, but she didn't listen. I stopped kissing the girl because she didn't notice us.

"Uh, what's your name?" I asked the girl


"Oh, I'm David" She just smiled at me and I saw Zaria stop cooking and going back upstairs. I cupped Maria face and started kissing her again. I saw Zaria stop and look at us from the corner of my eye, but she didn't look hurt or jealous, she just kept on walking. Did she not give a shit about me anymore? I doubt she does. I hurt her and I drove her away to Andy.

~Zaria's POV~

"I saw David with another girl" I told Andy as we ate on his bed.

"And how do you feel about that?"

"I don't care. At least he found someone else"

"Yeah, lets hope she can make him happy again"

"Yeah, I feel bad that he's always sad because of me"

"It wasn't your fault! It's his fault for hurting you" I just smiled and kept on eating.

"Are you finished?" I asked Andy

"Yeah" I got up and tried grabbing his plate, but he stood up.

"I'll take my own plate" He said and we walked down stairs and into the kitchen. We ate with paper plates, so we just had to throw it away.

A New Life (Bring me the Horizon, PTV,CTE, OM&M Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now