Chapter 9 Zaria's new man?

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~Zaria's POV~
I got out of the bus and as soon as I was outside I sprinted. I didn't want Lee to follow me.

I don't know where I'm going. It's too dark for me to see. The only thing I can see are the buses of other bands. Every time I would see a bus I would turn any direction.

I was walking and I was next to Pierce the Veils bus. Vic Jaime and Tony were outside. I tried to hide but Vic noticed me.

"Hey, Zaria is it?"
"Why are you walking around at this time?"
"Uhh.. I j-just wanted to take a w-walk" I lied

I guess the stuttering gave away I was crying and Vic came jogging to me. He hugged me very tight when he got to me.

"Why are you crying Zaria?" He asked
"It's just Lee and I got in a fight and I wanted to get away from him"

"Are you guys t-together?" He asked looking down at me.
"No! I HAD feelings for him but they slowly went away" I say crying harder

"Come on let's go inside" Vic said and he took me to his bands bus.

"Hey I'm mike" said the tall man "Vic's younger brother"

"I'm Tony the guitar player" the other guy said shyly

"And I'm Jaime the bass player"
"Nice to meet you guys I'm Zaria" I said trying to smile but failed.

Vic took me to the back lounge and asked me what happened. I told him everything. Starting from the party where I met him.

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble" he said
"It was a long time ago, don't worry about it" I say with a small smile.

"Zaria I'm going to be honest with you, ever since I saw you at the party, you made me feel like I had something to look forward to, but you left with Lee and I thought you were with him, but now that I know you guys aren't,I want to ask you something"

"What's that" I say with a smirk.

"You're beautiful, Zaria and I want to know if you would like to go on a date with me?" My eyes gleamed up when he asked that. I never imagined myself with Vic but he was a nice guy so I said,
"Yes I will"

He picked me up and spun me around in circles. He put me Over his shoulders and ran out of the back lounge.

"Guuuuuyyss I have a daaattee" he said while running around with me. I was only with him for like 30 minutes and I was already happy and I knew I was going to stay like that as long as I'm with him.

He finally put me on the couch and say next to me.
"Vic, can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead"
"Can I stay here for tonight"
"Of course you can, do you need any pajamas?"
"Yes please"

He gave me pajamas and we went to bed. I was sleeping in the same bunk as Vic.

"Thanks Vic" I say and cuddled up next to him

A New Life (Bring me the Horizon, PTV,CTE, OM&M Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now