Chapter 7 going to warped tour

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~Zaria's POV~
I had no problem calling Oli my dad anymore. I knew he couldn't replace my real dad but he still made me happy and that's all that matters.

I was packing all my cloths and necessities for Warped tour. It was going to be hot and I was going to sweat a lot. So I'm taking a lot of deodorant and other stuff.

But what I thought about the most was sharing a bus with Lee. I don't think my dad will let me talk to him so I won't, even though I really want to.

Then I thought about my appearance. I looked really ugly. My scars were up to my elbow now and everybody can see them, unless I wear long sleeves. But it's warped tour. I'm not wearing long sleeves! But at least I will wear pants hiding some scars. I took some shorts just incase it got super hot.

I also took my iPod, phone and laptop just incase I got bored or if I wanted to face time Hannah. I haven't called her mom yet, but I will be very soon. She actually cares for me, loves me, and accepts me for who i am. Unlike my real mom.

"Zaria it's time to go!" Dad yelled from downstairs.
"Ok be down there in a minute"
I grab all my bags and go downstairs. My dad helps me put away everything and then we went to say goodbye to Hannah.

I watched my dad hug Hannah and kiss her goodbye. It was my turn now. I went up to her hugged her tight and said
"Bye mom I love you"
I saw tears prick at her eyes.
"I-I love you too Zarina be safe"
I smiled and waved good bye. I was happy to call her my mom.

Now it was time to go in the bus and face everybody. Face Lee. I slept on the bunk above my dad and under Matt K. I pretty much greeted everybody except for Lee. As soon as I went in he went to the back lounge. I felt like crying but I had to stay strong.

~Lee's POV~
I watched her come in the bus. She looked beautiful. She was wearing blue skinny jeans with a plain black tank top. And that's when I noticed her scars. That's when I remembered she almost died.....because of me. But it was Oli's fault I couldn't see her. I wanted to really bad.
"Lee Zaria is in the H-hospital she tried to commit s-suicide" I heard Oli sniffle on the other line and I knew he was crying.

"What I'm going to go see her!" I say putting on my shoes and heading out the door.
"Okay but only for now I don't want her to see you... She's asleep"
"I don't care as long as I see her"
"Ok I'll be waiting" Oli said and we hung up.

I was at the hospital. I was staring at her limp body. She looked like she had no sign of life in her. Hannah was crying at my side and Oli had his hands on his face.

"This is all my fault" I thought
"If only I wasn't so scared of Oli so then I could see her" I saw her open her eyes and I knew it was time for me to go.
"Bye Zaria" I whisper
"I love you"
~End of Flashback~

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