Chapter 21:

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*The Next Morning*

I woke up and Andy was still holding me. Just not as tight.

"Good morning" He said smiling. He looked so hot. Shirtless with messy hair. Yes.


"We have to go home soon"

"I know... can we go to starbucks first?"

"Yess" He said and we got up. I changed into yesterdays clothes and so did Andy. We smiled at each other. We went into the car and like always blared the music as loud as it can go. We sang to "Deathbeds" by Bring me the Horizon and then I remembered about my dad and Hannah. I need to text my dad. I got out my phone and started texting him.

Hey dad, how are you and mom?-Z

We're good. She's just a little mad. Why didn't you text or skype me when you got to your new home?!-O

Long story... I'll tell you later-Z

Ok Well I'm recording some new stuff with the band, Catch you later. Love ya-O

Love you too bye-Z

"Who were you texting?" Andy asked me

"Just my dad"

"Makes sense" He said and I laughed.


"What would you like madame Zaria?" Andy asked me with a british accent.

"Suprise me"

"Alrighty then" he said and ordered me some weird drink that was suprisingly good.

"Thanks" I said and he smiled. I liked Andy. He's a funny, weird, great singing guy. But I had to face David sooner or later. I didn't want to. I don't want to fight with him anymore. I just want it to be a normal relationship. But that can't happen when your always surrounded by guys and bands. I don't even know if we are still engaged. Or in any kind of relationship. We got to the house and I didn't feel like getting out of the car.

"It'll be okay" Andy said putting his hand on top of mine. I just smiled and stayed behind him, holding on to his shirt. We walked in and the whole band was in the living room. There were also some other people I didn't know.

"Hey guys!" Andy said. I didn't say anything. Just stayed behind Andy.

"Want to go upstairs?" Andy whispered in my ear. I nodded my head yes and we went to his room.

"Zaria, you're going to need to talk to David some day" He said sitting down next to me.

"I know, but today is not that day" I said and put my head on his chest.

"Whenever you're ready" He said and kissed the top of my head and I kissed his cheek.

"Is that all I get?" He said smirking. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him and we kissed. We really need to stop kissing.

"Happy?" I asked Andy

"Very" he said and walked out. I went to his bed and layed down. I was just rubbing my tummy and thinking. Will David be here to help me raise this kid? Or will it be some one else? I really want my first born to know its real dad and be with him since I didn't that much. If I wanted to get shit straight with David, I need to stop being with Andy all the time. Maybe in a few months I'll forgive him. I'm serious.

*****One Month Later*****

I'm still mad at David and everyday he always says he's sorry and to forgive him but I just ignore him. Anyways, my baby bump is showing! I really want to know what it is going to be. I always talk to the fetus every now and then. I remember, Andy and I were laying down at night and it kicked! I got so excited! I almost screamed. I grabbed Andy's hand and it kicked again. That was probably one of the best days of my life. Right now I'm just sitting on Andy's bed which is pretty much mine too. I was smiling like a creep and rubbing my belly.

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