Chapter 26

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~Zaria's POV~

I'm suprised Sam and Ruthy didn't wake up last night. When I checked the crib this morning Ruthy wasn't in the crib, but there was a note: Last night was fun. I liked the guy and I thik he liked me. I don't know. But I left because I have work. Thank you very much Zaria. Sam wasn't awake yet, so I had nothing to do. I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. As soon as I sat down to eat, Sam started crying. I went upstairs and picked him up.

"Great timing Sam" I said and took him downstairs to make a bottle. I gave him his bottle and I was teaching him how to hold. I put his little hands around the bottle for the fifth time and he held it!

"Good job Sam!" I said and took out my phone to take a picture for Andy. He was laying down on the floor next to me as we both ate. When I was finished eating I decided to send the picture to Andy.

look Andy! He's holding his own bottle!- Z

Yay! I wish I was there- A

We both wish you were here too- Z

Our show's in a few minutes have to go, bye, Love you- A

Love you too- Z

Sam finished his bottle but kept on holding it.

"You're done, silly boy" I said and took the bottle from his mouth. He just stared at me like I just took away his whole life. Ok, then. I grabbed one of his pacifiers and put it in his mouth but he spit it out.

"Hey!" I said and put it back in but then he spit it out again. I guess he didn't want it. What are we going to do today? I picked Sam up and we went to the backyard. It was nice outside. Green grass but it was missing some flowers. Flowers are to hard to manage though. Maybe a lemon tree. Yeah. Just one lemon tree. We only had regular trees. We went back inside and did what I normally did. Put Sam next to the shower in his little chair while playing with some toys. Today, we were both wearing our Bring me the Horizon shirts. I put on some regular jean shorts and we went in to the car. I didn't feel like doing my make up or my hair so I just put on sunglasses and my hair in a pony tail. We were going to the mall today. Just to have Ice-cream and maybe some new matching shirts. We went into Hot topic and Lilly was working. Doing her job.

"Lilly!" I said as I put my stuff on the counter so you can pay for things.


"How was your date?"

"It was good. Our next one is on saturday!"

"That's good!" I said and she gave me my bag. "I have to go home and put up the swing set"

"Ok, I'll text you later"

"Ok" I said and I walked out the store. Instead of Ice-cream, I bought myself a milshake. I felt to tired to eat an Ice-cream. Today was my lazy day. Aside from putting up the swing set. I got home and Sam fell asleep during the drive. I just put him to the side while I put up the swings. It was hard. I don't understand the instructions. Ugh! I need a screw driver. Is there a screw driver in this house? I got Sam and put him inside. He's in his car seat by the way. I went on a search for a screw driver. I looked in every room except for David's. His was locked. I wonder why. Weird. I was a professional lock picker though. Ok, I'm not professional, but I know how to. I did and his room looked like a normal room. I looked in his drawers looking for a screw driver and he had one. Good thing I know how to open locks. I locked his door and closed it. Why would he lock his door? I heard knocks on the door. I opened it and was suprised at who I saw. It was Vic!

"Vic!" I yelled and hugged him. "Come in" I said and we walked in.

"I heard a little rumor" He said

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