Chapter 18 The end?

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~Oli's POV~

Tonight was a bad night. I made a mistake. A big one. Why would I do that to Zaria? I'm a fucking idiot. I have to tell her she can come back. She probably doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I just lost one of my most prized possesion. I cried for the first time in a long time. I cried and cried all night and couldn't get any sleep. I wish I never kicked her out. But she got pregnant with that fucking prick. He's done some stupid shit in the past. I hope he changed.

~Zaria's POV~

*The next Morning*

I woke up and I was awake before David for the first time. I climbed over him and went to eat breakfast and decided to make some for everyone. I had to bring out my inner chef. Before my mom found out about my problems she would always teach me how to cook different recipies. I looked in their fridge and cabinets. I mad hashbrowns, bacon and eggs with a side of a chocolate, banana and strwaberrie smoothie. I served them all and myself. I started to eat and watched a movie. The first one to wake was Andy.

"Oh. shit! I smell food!" he said running to the kitchen

"Yours is the blue plate and your smothie is next to it!" I yelled from the living room. He came back and set his food on the couch.

"Thank you Zaria!" He said and hugged me really tight.

"You're very welcome Andy" I said and he grabbed his food and sat next to me. Brett and Hayden woke up next.

"Brett yours is the green plate and Hayden the red plate!" they grabbed their food and sat on the floor.

"How did David snatch a girl like you?" Hayden said and made me blush. Brandon and Benn were in a grumpy mood when they woke up.

"Good morning guys!" I yelled as they sat on the other couch.

"You know theres food right?" They just grunted so I got up and got their food.

"Thank you Zaria!" they said together. Their mood suddenly changed. I sat back down and the movie finished. David wasn't awake yet, so I went to our bunk. He was awake, but just laying there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked getting inside the bunk. He just looked at me.

"David, just tell me what's wrong"

"I-I don't know if I'll be able to handle a baby" he said in a very low voice

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to be away from the house a lot and what if I'm not there to see him crawl for the first time? To see him take his first step. To hear him say his first words. Zaria what if I'm not there for him?"

"David, it will be okay, I promise. and I could tell you want a boy." he laughed.

"Theres the smile, I want to see" I said and kissed his cheek.

"You're going to live with me and be with me forever ok?" He said and sat me on top of him.

"Forever and always" I said and we both leaned in for a kiss.

"Now come on!" I said, "I made you breakfast!" He got off and then carried me to the kitchen.

"Don't have sex in the kitchen too!" Andy yelled

"No promises" David said and we all laughed. He grabbed his food and we sat on the counter.

"What time is your show today?" I asked David.

"Uhmm, at... two or three"

"Ohh and guess what a little birdy told me"


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