"Wild" Recording Sessions

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Author's Note: I own NONE of this. No copyright infringement is intended. I just wanted to borrow the characters and play with them.

Thank you to all of the people who have faved and/or commented on my story! It means more to me than you can imagine!

Chapter Eighty-Three: 'Wild' Recording Session


"Holy crow!" Jasper said, collapsing on the couch. "Can this be real?"

"Apparently it is," Emmett smiled. "We're recording! Miller is pleased!"

"I understand your excitement, Em. However, don't get too...you know?" Edward said, arching a brow.

"Edward, come on. Stop being such a pessimist for once and enjoy this," Emmett said.

"Not a pessimist. A realist," Edward sighed. "However, it is really cool." He cracked a hesitant smile.

In all of the excitement, I walked to the couch in the green room. I curled up, contemplating what was happening. Edward noticed me sitting on the couch and he plopped down next to me. "What's up Bella?"

"Nothing. Just thinking," I said quietly, leaning against Edward's shoulder.

"About what, love?" he asked.

"About this," I said gesturing to all of us. "Is it the right decision? Should we go and record with Twilight? We're still in school. I am excited about the prospect of getting a record contract, but I still want an education. I want to get my bachelor's degree."

Edward searched my eyes and he pulled me onto his lap. "You make some very rational arguments, Bella. I'm just as apprehensive about the whole situation, but there is no harm in going to meet with Miller and his musicians tomorrow."

"Come on, Isabelly! Don't be such a killjoy," Emmett whined, shoving me lightly.

I held Edward's gaze and he gave me his crooked smirk. I rolled my eyes, returning his smile. He kissed me sweetly and held me close. I squeezed his hand and hopped off his lap. "Let's do this."

The boys let out a whoop and we all clambered together for a group hug. A smelly group hug. Emmett was rank from being on stage. We pulled apart and I pinched my nose. "Emmett, it's called deodorant."

"I don't smell," he said, sniffing his pits.

"Um, actually you do," Edward said, wrinkling his nose. "I have a broken schnoz and I can smell you."

"Fuck you, Cullen," he said, smacking Edward upside the head. Edward caught Emmett's hand and twisted it behind my brother. He pulled Emmett's arm up and he grimaced, falling to his knees. "Okay, I give! Uncle!"

"Ass," Edward said. "Come on, we've got to load up the merchandise and head back. We've got a long ride tomorrow and have to be up early. On a Saturday. Damn it."

"What about our equipment?" Jasper asked. "I don't want to assume anything."

Edward whipped out his phone and texted Miller, asking about equipment needs. He called back immediately saying that all we needed to bring was the guitars and amps. The recording studio would provide drums and keyboards. Edward and Jasper grabbed their guitars and loaded up the amps into Edward's car. We checked on the merchandise and it was all sold out. We then grabbed Rose and Alice and drove back to Emerson, dropping of Emmett and Rose at Patterson and Alice and Jasper at Rathburn. Edward parked the car in the garage and we went upstairs. Once we got into our apartment, we showered together. Edward wanted it to progress to more, but I was too tired and I still felt overwhelmingly guilty about his poor nose. He pouted like a petulant child but I promised that we would have some naked fun time after our return from New York City.

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