Traveling to Toronto

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Author's Note: I own NONE of this. No copyright infringement is intended. I just wanted to borrow the characters and play with them.

Thank you to all of the people who have faved and/or commented on my story! It means more to me than you can imagine!

Chapter 29: Traveling to Toronto


Something has got to give. First, there's the situation with Jacob and his sick obsession with me. Ugh. Then, the problem with Seth and his photography issues, working with Jacob to torment me! Finally, James and his accusations of cheating. I'm seriously...

What. The. Fuck?

Does God have a personal vendetta towards me? Does he want me to be permanently pissed off? All of this is fucking with my life. Fucking with my relationships with my roommates, my brother and most importantly my boyfriend. He's sullen and scared. I'm terrified of my own shadow and exhausted due to the recurrence of my nightmares. Something has got to give. If not, it's going to rip us all to shreds.

I'm secretly looking forward to the trip to Toronto with Emerson Express. I need time away from all of the drama. Edward needs time away from all of the drama. We just need time to be with each other, have fun and act like stupid college kids in love with each other. Even if it's for a few hours on a bus, then I'll take it. Edward was in hyper-vigilant protective mode. So are my roommates. He refuses to let go anywhere alone. He's suctioned to my side, fearful that something will happen to me. I understand and appreciate his concern, but I do need space. This trip for a few days will do that. At least I hope so.

After Emerson Express rehearsal on Thursday, Edward, Rosalie and I went to a pizza joint to kick back. Mike Newton, Ben Cheney and Jessica Stanley joined us as well. It felt nice to relax with some friends, forgetting the drama surrounding my life right now. We ordered deep dish pizza and filled ourselves to the gills. We discussed our upcoming trip to Toronto. We were leaving after a brief rehearsal on the following Thursday. I told Edward that I would pack his bags for him, as he was in class up until rehearsal. He was extraordinarily grateful. Edward was rooming with Ben and I was rooming with Rosalie. Rose said that she didn't mind if Edward slept in our room. I gave her a huge hug as she knew how reliant I was of Edward to get a full-night's sleep.

While we were in Toronto, we were going to spend Friday doing touristy things. On Friday evening, we would have a rehearsal for our performance on Saturday. It was a rehearsal on the stage of the Four Seasons Centre in downtown Toronto. We would be able to do a sound check and arrange our risers where we would like them. Our performance on Saturday was in the morning. We would be critiqued and scored. Based on the scores, we could go onto the semi-finals of the competition, which were in the evening. The finals, if we made it that far, were early in the afternoon on Sunday. We would leave the competition after the final performances and get back to Emerson late in the evening on Sunday night.

After our pizza excursion, Rose and I went back to our room. Edward said that he needed to study for a biochemistry test that he had tomorrow. He gave me a kiss and went up to his room. Rose, Alice and I spent the rest of the evening just having girl talk.

"How are things going with Jasper, Alice?" I said as I took a sip of my Diet Dr. Pepper.

"Oh, Bella. He's wonderful. He totally gets me. He's sweet, kind, gentlemanly and awesome in bed. He does this one thing..."

"Alice! I don't want to know about your bedroom Olympics," I snapped, giving her a look.

"Oh, come on! That's what's the most fun about girl talk. Sharing your sexcapades and comparing notes," she giggled.

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