Was she even ready for a relationship?

She was so unlike any other girl Lauren had ever dated or hooked up with.

Every other girl wanted Lauren for sex or because they were lonely or desperate for attention or because they knew of Lauren's money but Camila was different.

She was pure and genuine and innocent and just Camila.

And Lauren wasn't sure there were any more Camila's out there.

"Hey Lo, can we go for another walk?" Camila walked into the room, changed from her pyjamas into a pair of denim high-waisted shorts and a white crop top that came just below her belly button, "our outfits nearly match!"

Lauren looked down to her white cold-shouldered jumper and her short dungarees.

"It's like we're twins," She exclaimed sarcastically and Camila nodded.

"Come on, lets go for a walk," She tugged on Lauren's hand and the older girl sighed, putting down her mug of coffee and standing up.

"Can I take you to the woods?" Lauren questioned and Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

"We went there yesterday didn't we, there was trees," Her statement made Lauren laugh which only confused Camila further.

"Just cause there's about five trees doesn't make it woodland Camila, I'll take you to the real woods," Lauren told her and Camila nodded in agreement.

When they'd both put on their shoes, Camila having to wear a pair of nude ballet pumps because she realised she'd left her trainers on the grass yesterday, they started the walk, turning to the side instead of walking straight ahead.

"Woah Lauren you have a pool," Camila shrieked, catching sight of blue out of her peripheral vision.

"Yeah, we can go swimming sometime if you like," Lauren suggested and Camila nodded earnestly.

They walked a bit further and like yesterday, Lauren felt a hand slip into hers.

Lauren noticed Camila was uncharacteristically quiet and she looked up to find the brunette with her eyes fixated on the daisies as they walked, carefully choosing where she walked so as not to step on them.

She felt her heart melt into a puddle at the way Camila stared at things with such love and affection, even simple things like flowers or grass. She could look at the most ugly thing in the world and manage to find a positive.

Lauren tugged on her arm so Camila was span around to face her and with her free hand she cupped Camila's face, gently pulling her in until their lips collided together.

Camila froze in shock at the sudden contact but soon her and Lauren's lips began moving as one.

Camila's arm wriggled free from Lauren's and and she wrapped them around the raven-haired girl's neck, linking them so she had better balance on her tiptoes.

Lauren's free hand held onto Camila's waist, mostly to make sure the brunette didn't fall over.

"I think you're amazing," She whispered against Camila's lips when they were both gasping for air, "I think you're so so amazing and you look at everything with such adoration and happiness and you're sweet and caring and you don't know any of it," She rambled breathlessly, her eyes staring at the caramel ones looking back at her intently.

"If that was your way to get another kiss then it really, really worked," Camila whispered, crashing her lips back onto Lauren's where they immediately picked up where they left off.

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