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PepperTylerFanfics was nominated many times for this interview; she's written books such as 'Cats, Chapters and Coca-Cola: My Life in A Book'. This is their interview!

Why did you start writing on Wattpad?

I originally joined Wattpad because I wanted to put some of my fanfictions out into the world, just to get some feedback and see what people thought of my stories. After I got my first one out in began to dawn on me that maybe I could start posting a series of my fanfictions I adore, and now all I have to do is get myself to start editing them some...

Where do you get your inspiration for books?

I get a lot of my inspiration from music, art, and my friends. I like to take time out of my day to just sit and mull over things that happened and then mold it into something that could be a story worth telling. The series I'm going to eventually publish was all because of some artwork she made of the two main characters together, so if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be working on my favorite fanfictions I ever written.

What's been your proudest moment on Wattpad?

I have two proudest moments... one has probably been reaching 200 followers. It means so much to me that they follow me and read what I work on, and I would love to talk with every one of them personally just to let them know how much I appreciate them. I cried when I woke up to that.
The second proudest moment is seeing how many people have read my silly life book. It's ridiculous how many people like reading about my mundane life and its dumb little moments.

What's one thing that you wish your followers knew about you?

I wish my followers knew how much I appreciate them!!! And also that I'm a girl who's always willing to have a crazy conversation... seriously,  I've got a horrible way of turning normal talking about normal subjects into a mix of unicorns, chocolate, and glitter. And I will talk about unicorns or the Red Sox if a conversation needs some jazz.

What's the hardest part about writing on Wattpad?

The hardest thing about writing on Wattpad is that there are so many wonderful stories on here, so it's kind of stressful whenever I publish something. I review it over and over for errors, but sometimes I do miss one or two here and there, and I always have a few doubting thoughts ("Is this going to stand out a little?" "Is this the absolute best I can make it" "You're ABSOLUTELY sure this is the best it can be?"). I always kind of stress that my stories won't really stand out to readers.

And finally, what advice would you give to a new writer on Wattpad?

New writers, always keep going. Make time for your writing, and write what you would want to read. While it may seem strange, sometimes it's good to cave into some stress every now and then, because sometimes, under pressure, your best work can be created. Always have faith- and you HAVE POTENTIAL. And write whenever you can and whatever you have- I wrote half a chapter on a napkin in a restaurant once. Whenever an idea hits you, jot it down. Because that little scrap of random could be the best dang thing you've ever written.


That was my lovely interview with PepperTylerFanfics !

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