First Time With Her Dad.

Depuis le début


We Finally got to the venue as I called Mike and told him we were here. I grabbed a hold of Gracie's hand as we walked up to where Michael was standing.

"Uncle Mike!" She jumped in his arms as he came over and hugged us.

"You Lady's looks nice today!" he smiled and gave us both little pecks on the cheeks. "You guys ready?" He gave me a worried smile.

"As ready as we'll ever be!" I smiled at him to let him know I was okay and he walked us back to where the guys were. Immediately Gracie ran over and hugged every one and so did I, but we both stopped at Monte.

He looked at us and we all just stood there for a second, then he looked down at Gracie and smiled.

"Can I get a hug?" He stretched his arms out and she smiled and jumped in his arms. She hugged him really tight and whispered in his ear, I could only assume she said something along the lines of I love you daddy. Because a tear went down his face as he said I love you too darling. All I did was smile, it was all I could do. He set her down as she went to go play with T.J. and he looked at me in the eyes.

"Hey Violet. How are you?"

"Hi Monte. I'm good, what about you?" I watched as his shoulders tensed up, he was nervous, and honestly, so was I.

"I've been better honestly." He gave me a sad look. His brown eyes looking right through me, my heart started racing and I thanked Zeus that he didn't have super hearing. He took off his shirt and adjusted his ear monitor.

"Really? I thought being a Rock star is what you've always wanted?"

"Well it is but, I don't know, it's not the same as it was when I was younger you know?" I did know, The line up for ETF changed almost completely since they started. Omar left, Max and Ronnie got kicked out, they only thing that was still the same was that him and Robert stayed, of course so did Mike, but he was never officially in the band then.

"Yeah I know, it's crazy how things changed huh?" I turned as their stage Manager told them they had three minutes till show.

"Well, I'll see you after the show!" He smiled at me with that same FUCKING smile he had since high school.

"Good Luck." I smiled at him as the boys hugged and kissed Gracie for luck. She jumped up and gave Monte a kiss on the cheek and hugged him.

"Good luck daddy!" she looked up at him with her bright green eyes as he leaned down and Gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked on stage.

Me and Gracie stood on the side stage and watched as the boys played songs like The Flood, Ashley, You are so beautiful, Issues, and ended with Georgeous Nightmare. My personal favorite. They walked off the staged and smiled.

"Gracie, Violet, I do believe that you guys are good luck charms, that was our best show ever!" The boys all hollered and high fived in agreement.

"You guys should come on tour with us!" T.J. looked too serious for his own good.

"That would be awesome Uncle T.J.! But I have school!" Gracie always had her priorities straight, even for a child. T.J. looked down in defeat.

"Okay well Me, Robert, and Monte are gonna clean our selves off then we can go to the carnival!" Mike smiled and picked up Gracie and watched as her face quickly became horrified and she pinched her nose.

"Eww Uncle Mike you stink!" We all laughed as he sat her down and grabbed her hand instead. I felt a heavy arm wrap around my waist a pull me as I hit a very built body. I looked up at Monte as he pulled me away from the others and smiled at me, I knew right then that I wasn't mad at him anymore, but I still didn't trust him.

Something Strange (Escape The Fate)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant