What's Next?

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Hello My Good People!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I'm not sure if all of you who have read this know but in case you don't, the next book in this series is being updated regularly now, it's called Lost Secrets. The book is all about Andrea - Dylan's witch bff - and why she was MIA during the big battle in this book/the events leading up to this book. I guess in a way it's kind of a prequel but not really lol

I haven't decided yet if I will count it as Book 2 of the Awake Series or if it will just be a spinoff but either way it's worth a read.

As far as the next book concerning #Kylan it'll be coming once Lost Secrets is done. 

By the way, thank you all SO much for OVER 200 THOUSAND reads on this book! I can't thank you enough!! 

Here's to 200 thousand more! 

Love you guys,


Awake | Book 1 of the AWAKE Series | (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now