Sitting with a stranger, especially a stranger who was a murderer's best friend, didn't sound to appealing.

She looked at Lauren hesitantly before glancing at Dinah who was looking at her earnestly.

The expression made her look like a literal puppy.

"You'll be fine," Lauren rubbed her thumb over hand and Camila nodded, releasing her grip on the older girl.

Dinah bounded out of the room and Camila followed her, eventually coming to a large basement.

Camila wasn't sure how much money murdering people could give you by judging from the two houses she'd seen, it was a lot.

Dinah flopped on the couch and Camila sat on the other side. Music was playing from the TV and Camila recognised the song to be one of Beyoncé's.

"What happened with Brad?" Dinah asked curiously, staring intently at the smaller girl.

"I don't know, I fell asleep in the car and I was woke up by Brad throwing Lauren against the dash board, he grabbed my wrist and held a knife to it but Lauren knocked him out," Camila decided the blonde girl was friendly and in no way harmful.

"Oh Lauren can be scary huh," Dinah laughed, shaking her head, "Normani can be pretty scary too, I don't like what they do."

"Don't you do it?" Camila raised an eyebrow.

Lauren had said they were all in the business.

"I work for the Society but I do shit on computers, I've only stuck around this long cause of Mani," Dinah shrugged and Camila could tell it bothered her.

"That's admirable, I can't get my head round the fact how Lauren is so calm about killing someone, it freaks me out," She shuddered and Dinah smiled sympathetically.

"You kinda ignore it after a while," She told the brunette.

"How long have you been dating her?" Camila questioned and Dinah furrowed her eyebrows as she did the maths in her head.

"We started dating when I was sixteen and she was eighteen, I'm eighteen now and she's twenty but our birthdays are later this year," She eventually figured out, "Her and Lauren will be twenty one but I'm the baby," She pouted.

"I'm nineteen," Camila inputted and Dinah grinned.

"That's great, now when we all go out I won't be so young," She exclaimed and Camila nearly choked on air.

It was the first time they'd met and she was already planning future meet ups.

"But you're so little, I wouldn't have guessed you were older than seventeen," Dinah told her.

Before anyone could say anything more a muffled shriek was heard from upstairs and Camila grimaced.

Dinah noticed and turned the Tv volume up, "it'll be over soon, normally if I'm here Normani makes it quick."

"It's okay, I'll just try and ignore it," Camila brushed it off, laughing.

"I'm glad you aren't still being shy, you're really nice," Dinah told her honestly and Camila grinned.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now