Twenty Six

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I was in the cell covered in a thin sheet... I looked at the two men in front of me, just waiting for something.

The door unlocked and Brendon walked right in. "You guys can go" he tells the men.

Once they are both out Brendon looks at me. "We know now that Petes the killer... You helped him."

I shook my head, "I'm not like him."

"I know."

"Brendon, I wanted to stop... I didn't want to kill anyone. Pete just kept forcing me" I cried.

"I know, you are willing to stop killing... When you were born you didn't have a choice of being this. It's not you're fault..."

I nodded, "yeah, see..."

I didn't want to step in jail. Even if it meant betraying my daddy, I'm not stepping foot in there by myself.

"But you left with him..."

"Pete found me Brendon, he told me to come back with him or he'll kill you... Shit Brendon I was about to kill him!"

"How many people have you killed Trick?"

"Brendon please, I don't want-."

I saw as a tear drop run through his cheek. "HOW MANY!?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, more then I can count... I'm sorry."

"Pete said to not underestimate you... I believe him now. Patrick you killed because you wanted to, you killed because you love him."

I shook my head again, "no Brendon... I don't. I pretended I did to try to kill Pete. I went as far as to sleeping with him. The truth is that I never forgave him for leaving me! Brendon I would-"

"SHUT UP! Patrick I don't even know if you're telling me a lie to stay out of jail or the truth... But in front of Pete, I'll know!" he walked out of the room in a hurry.

I sat down and waited, after five minutes he walked in with Pete and two other men by his said.

"Tell him Patrick... Tell Pete everything you just told me!"

I looked at Pete, he just looked at me with a blank expression on his face.

"Brendon I-"

"Tell him Patrick! I want to know how much you LOVE your daddy!"

"Pete, I-I don't love you... I lied so I can kill you. It seemed a lot easier to get close to you that way... Pete I don't love you, like I did yesterday."

He smiled, "I know that... I was just happy to have you by my side. I knew it was too soon to love me again so quickly." he looked back at Brendon, "he's innocent, I made him kill and that's the truth. Patrick will never be near the killer I once was... I made him do everything. Even threaten to kill you, if he didn't."

I couldn't contain the tears that were running down. Pete is giving up everything for me! And now I'm the one that let him down.

Brendon looked at me, "we'll talk to a lawyer and get you out of here!"

I just nodded. Brendon walked out of the room. Pete looked at me before mouthing 'I love you' one last time before he was escorted out.

"I love you too, Daddy" I whispered quietly to myself.

{Love to anyone that got the reference}

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