Chapter Five- To Our Seperate Ways

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*Justice's POV*

"Really?! I thought you had something with Bea..." HOLY CRAP. I SAID THAT OUT LOUD.

"...No...." He said. HOLD UP A SEC. He. Hesitated.


"Well...okay maybe I liked her a little. But I can't be with her now can I. And I love Riley."

"Do you you really?"

"SHUT UP I DO OKAY?! No more questions. We're saving Riley first, we need her help."

"No. I heard the guards saying stuff about the prison being North. I'm saving my best friend and the idiot."

"No...Riley knows exactly how to get there. We need her help."


"Well I'm going to save her. My true love. Who is now probably in interrogation."

"Have fun without me then!" I began to walk down the road. Off to rescue Bea.

"Fine! GOODBYE JUSTICE!" He was walking the other way.

"GOODBYE!" I walked, and walked, and walked. And never looked back. And when I did, he was out of sight.

And I was fine with it. Completely.

Author's Note- A little tension on the stage hmm?

*Bea's POV* (Finally Right??)

Yep, I said it. I was in love with Drew.

I mean, I had no more chance with Marvel. And he was maybe in love with someone else. I had lost hope completely with him. But with didn't feel right. He wasn't like another Marvel. But I had no say in it anymore.

It was Drew or no one.

We were laughing about our love when two guards came in, one taking me and one taking Drew. We were placed in two different rooms, both with a guard and a man and woman in white suits.  I mouthed the words "I love you", because the people in white suits had cases of needles in front of them. I had no clue what to expect, but it may include never seeing Drew again.


"Sit dear, if your body cooperates," The woman said. "This could be over soon." The man in the white coat said. Were they finishing each other's sentences? Hmm.

"What? What are the needles for? Why am I here?"

"Honey, your body doesn't choose to enjoy the life of being destined," The woman began...

"So we're giving you these injections to forget this and restart your choosing and destiny." the man said.

"You will be considered an Extra until further notice." The woman finished, and the chair I was sitting in cuffed me. I couldn't get up.

"But I was destined already! I'll listen! I'll wear eye contacts that make my eyes green! I promise!"

"That's what they all say," The man said, and the woman gave him a needle with some type of turquoise liquid.

"First shot loses feeling, so you won't be able to feel anything for a while. Except for your facial muscles." The woman said, and the man shot the needle into my wrist. In just a minute or so, I couldn't feel my arms or legs.

"But...I love him..."

"Not entirely apparently. There is still resistance in your blood and emotions. Your mind is trying to make you think you're cooperating, but in reality, our tests say you love someone else more. Shot two makes you after this one you will fall into a deep sleep and remember nothing when you awaken." The man said while injecting the orange liquid into my shoulder.

"Sweet dreams dear." The woman said, and my eye lids felt super heavy.

"Marvel...Drew...I love you."

Then all went black.

*Riley's POV* (Hahaha EVERYTHING is answered in this chapter...)

I blame myself for everything.

I'm the one who froze in the middle of the road, I'm the one who let myself get caught by security.

But I'm not the one who's going to say where they are.

"Tell us now and you won't be punished as harshly." The guard said. Was that a threat?

"I'm saying nothing."

"Well then Miss Farmers, or Mrs. Carmen,  if you will not cooperate and tell us where your match and friend are, we will have to put you in solitary confinement until further notice."

"Very well." Solitary confinement is jail isn't it...

Well at least I'm not THAT person...the one who spills and is a betrayer......

Maybe someone will come and get me before I rot away in this cell.

*Bea's POV*

I walked into a red with a window that looked like a kaleidoscope. I couldn't see through it. So I just walked right in.

I stepped into air. I was kind of floating in a space where I was in the real world, yet no one could see me. I could see myself. I was outside of my body. At least, that's what it felt like.

If this was a dream or something I wasn't sure. I saw shots being out into me, but my emory wasn't drifting away. I still remember stuff.

The kiss with Drew, all of the good times with Marvel, I remember it all. I went down to the mirror of the room and saw that my eyes were still hazel, but they were flashing. Flashing into a green. They were turning me back, but I still had the memories of my past which I wasn't supposed to.

Was I resisting? I wasn't sure. But when the last shot was injected, everything went black again.

I woke up with a gasp, in a different room. My old room, the one I lived in with my mom.

Except when I looked in the mirror, my eyes were a pure bright green.

*Marvel's POV*

I kept walking, even if my leg hurt like h***. I had to et back to Riley. I loved her, more than Bea. Which is saying a lot. Drew is a lucky guy.

I kept walking, even if I was tired. Riley couldn't wait for long. I reached the city in the middle of the night, but I was super tired and in loads of pain. I made it to my old home door, until I collapsed. I heard what sounded like my little sister Margaret scream. I heard her small footsteps get my mother, and their voices whispering. I saw her almost black hair in front of my slightly open eyes, and she kept saying the words, "You'll be okay. You'll be okay."

I saw the guards and white coats and feared for my life.




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