She looks down and sighs in relief, before she starts to giggle.

"I'm sorry." She says when she calms down. "I'm just so worried about going to school here. I don't feel like I belong, what if I can't do magic right because I come from a muggle family?"

"Don't worry about that. There are plenty of muggleborns here, in every house, and they pick it up easily enough. You'll catch on and be able to do magic just fine." I smile. "But we'd better split up for lessons now. I've got to get to Potions, and you've got to get to Charms."

"Alright." Sylvia says, though she still seems nervous.

"I hope you have a good day." I say. "I know you'll do great, and you can tell me all about it later."

Sylvia nods, and gets to her feet. She waves goodbye to me, and heads out of the Great Hall with another first year Hufflepuff girl.


Thankfully, I walk into the dungeons before Snape arrives on the scene, but almost all my other classmates have already arrived, my friends included.

I sit down next to Lani just as Snape makes his presence known in the classroom. George and McKenna sit to my left, and Fred and Lee sit behind us.

"Today you will begin the process of brewing Polyjuice, a complicated potion that takes a little over a month to complete. I seriously doubt that all of you will be able to brew this potion correctly, based on past experiences, so I am warning you right now to read every line of instruction carefully. You are beginning your N.E.W.T. year, and I expect you to be able to do everything I ask of you in this class. Instructions are on the board, you may begin." With a flick of Snape's wand, the instructions to brew Polyjuice Potion appear on the blackboard and he sits down behind his desk.

I stand and head to the cupboards where the potion ingredients that we bought this summer are stored, but I'm still too short to even reach the cupboard handle.

"Fred, could you help me? I still can't reach the cupboard." I say.

"Sorry, I can't help you there, love." Fred smirks.

"Can't or won't?" I ask, squinting at him.

"Won't." Fred grins. "I like to watch you jump."

"Fred Weasley if you don't help me right now I will dump y-" I start yelling in a hushed whisper, but am suddenly lifted into the air. I can still see Fred, who is laughing and all my other friends are on the other side of the room, so who is lifting me up?

I look down and see the boy, Edward Fred called him, from breakfast.

"Hurry up, sweetheart I can't do this forever." He says.

I shrug, open the cupboard and grab the ingredients that I need. The boy slowly sets me down.

"Thank you..." I say, confused as to how to react.

"No problem." He shrugs. "I'm Edward, by the way, Edward Ripple."

Edward extends his hand, and I shake it.

"I'm Vanessa... I'm not sure what my last name really is." I admit stupidly. "It might be Redwood or Black, or Riddle..."

"Or Weasley..." Fred adds under his breath.

"Hang on, did you say Redwood?" Edward asks with a grin as he turns to look at Fred. I nod. "So this is your girlfriend then?"

Suddenly, Snape clears his throat, and I realize that everyone is looking at us. Edward and Fred stop talking.

"That is quite enough, thank you. Ten points from Gryffindor for the trapeze act, and another ten for disrupting my class with your teenage gossip." Snape snaps.

I nod and head back to my seat with my head down, though everyone continues staring at us.

"If you will kindly turn your attention back on to the task that I have given you..." Snape says.

Someone taps me on the shoulder from behind, I turn to see Fred staring at me.

"What's a trapeze act?" He asks.

Daddy's Little Girl [FW - Book Two]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα