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the second book of 'i'm sorry'

"why are you always so stuck up in your own world when there are other people around you who have feelings too?!" jungkook shouted, clearly frustrated. "you're not the only person in this world minjoo, the world doesn't revolve around you," he growls.

"well i'm fking sorry that i'm going through depression and i'm fking sorry that i stay quiet when you go hang out with other girls and get all touchy," minjoo confessed with a broken heart. "it's not my fault i get so jealous looking at those posts online and even-" she paused for a second a chuckled a bit, "even in real life."

jungkook's eyes widen at the last bit of her sentence. there was a sudden awkward silence between them before jungkook decided to break it.

"i think it's best if we take a break," he sighed.

minjoo stared into his eyes, scared that she didn't hear wrong. but it was clear from his facial expression that she just heard the exact sentence he had just said.

minjoo nodded, wiped her tears and sniffed.

"okay fine," she closed her eyes and faced away. "if that's what you want then let's not take a break...

let's officially break up."

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