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I looked around. It was like an big operation room. Pretty creepy place to be in. Got to hand it to the Vactians, their technology is pretty advanced, considering the dimension's time period. Alex was resting on a new bed, but he was awake now, looking really tired. "Welcome Alexander Roronora!" Angelique greeted.

"That voice...where are we?" Alex mumbled.

"I'm here," I said, locking my hand with his. I guess we sort of ended our stupid fight.

"You are in the Vactian's headquarters to get your sight fixed! Then we'll have a little talk." Angelique chirped.

"How will you do that?" Alex asked with more life to his phrase.

"Leave it to the specialists," he said, and a group of five people dressed in black robes surrounded Alex. One of them reached out and Alex's hand immediately grabbing the hand. I was surprise how good his senses were.

"Relax, they'll operate on your eyes, they're specialists." Angelique explained. I felt his hand tighten around mine.

"Can you please leave the room?" A petite woman's voice asked me.

"Why?" I asked.

"It a bit difficult to operate with people around. Of course we shall also ask your highness to wait outside please," She bowed to Angelique who took her hand and placed a kiss on it. "Your highness. Stop it." She growled, tightening her grip on Angelique until he yelped.

"Gee Marie your so strict. Loosen a bit will you?~" He messed around.

"Commander leave the room." She ordered pushing us out and locking the door behind us. I could still feel Alex's grip on my hand, trying to explain so many silent words. This was all unbelievable. For all of this to happen in just a day, I'm surprised none of us crumbled down.

"Will he be alright?" I asked, Angelique.

"Well, he'll be cured, but it's up to them on how they'll cure him. Even I have never seen it done before." He answered. I heard Alex's scream right after.

"Hey!" I yelled, banging my fist on the door. "What the hell is going on in there?!" I asked, turning to Angelique who only replied back with a shrugged. I covered my ears, trying to block away Alex's painful screams. I couldn't bear to listen to this anymore.

"Why'd I ever trust you." I growled at Angelique who was patiently sitting on the benches provided.

"As I said before, if they're ordered to cured the sick, they'll cure you, no matter what it takes. As bad as it sounds, Alex will be able to see right after." He repeated. I shook my head and pressed on my ears harder as Alex's screams got louder.

"You like him don't you?" Angelique smiled. 

"I-I do of course! You know he can be an idiot and stiff headed but he has another amazing side that I like about him," I confessed not really sure why I was saying this. I winced at the sound of Alex, covering my ears again.

After what seemed like three dreadful years, the small girl exited along with her four other team members. "He's ready," She announced. I ran, pushing past them and threw my self next to Alex, burying my face in his chest and crying. His eyes were wide open and blood shot red. Tears and saliva rolled to the side of his face, as he was left mumbling nonsense and gasping softly. I felt his heart rapidly beat against my face, then slowly settle down. He wrapped an arm around me and closed his eyes.

"I thought I'd never see your face again. I'm glad that you're the first thing I saw." He whispered to me.

"What did they do to you?" I whispered back. He opened his eyes as if he didn't want to remember. "Never mind, I'm just glad you're alright." I told him.

My Immortal [ON HOLD] ~Under major editing~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora