The Princess's Love

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"Wow this closet is so cool!" Rosalind said rummaging through. She finally picked out an outfit. It was minishorts and a black shirt rolled to the top showing her bare stomach and with the words "Scandalous" written in red bold letters. "Um, are you sure you want to wearthat and not that dress?" I said pointing to a blue ball gown dress. "Give me a break I can't move with that!" She said in despair. "Rosalind I'm starting to like you not hurry change in the bathroom and lets get going!" I said showing her the way. She unclipped her hair down and tore a red ribbion from her dress and tied it in a ponytail. Smiling she went in.

We were out side walking. Rosalind staying close to us watching her surroundings with a smile. She was fasctinated. Yea i've been to a city before but this was so cool! I was walking around people selling stuff on the sidewalk and buying armors. It was medival time. There were no roads although some carriages were in sight but if you looked up ice mechanical dragons were flying carring families and people. There was chitter chatter all over the place. Alex and Elizabeth weren't so excited probably since they live here.  We stopped at a stop full of ice dragons. "Were going to get in number 9 okay" Alex said as we took four seats next to each other. Three boys about 15 were eyeing Rosalind who didn't seem to care and was laughing at the scene of how an ice dragon takes flight. We got some attentions from the people since we carried swords with out armor. We looked like bandits. The boys stepped up abd crowded Rosalind. There was a gap between her and Elizabeth. One of the boys was talking to Elizabeth who consistantly ignored him. The other two were taking to Rosalind getting closer. Alex stood up walked to the two boys. Me and Elizabeth stood up and kicked the boy out of the cart. The poeple gasped and cried screaming and he flow on his face for about 40 miles. They made a face at Alex who drew his sword knocked both out with the end of the swords and kicked them off. The dragon ride was silent. Frantic footsteps came. "Excuse me just what do you think you're doing? "They were bothering us so wer beat them up." I said to a young attendant. She looked tough though even though she was a little shorter than me. "Stop causing commotion or you'll be kicked out it's not liek you're in the Exile's soldiers so you can act like that!" she scolded us. We rammaged through out pockets and showed her the Exiles pass card. She opened her mouth and studied us three. She pointed at Rosalind. "Special guest." I said she nodded and turned with a sweet face. "Enjoy your ride if you need anything I'm always here. She clicked away clearly embaressed. The people stared at us as we were some sort of queens and kings. We took a seat and the ride attansance announced: Please take a seat and prepare to take flight! 

We made a halfway stop at this farmland who had a couple of farmhouses on them and not much people. Rosalind Stopped walking and looked at three houses to her left staring at it. "Can I pass through there to that house? There is someone important I must meet Won't take long you can come too." She asked pointing at it. I nodded following her. She took  a deep breath and fixed her hair I winked at Alex and he sort of understood. A man in his 50's opened the door. "Rosalind! Why are you here you must'nt come you'll get in trouble!" He said with a sad voice. "Rosalind! Come in honey! Robert How dare you scare her let her in! Daniel come down here Rosalind is here!" Said a woman in her mid 40's. "ofcousre!" He opened the doors. "I see you got some guests." He looked at us. "We're from the Exile's soldiers and were just here to escort her around." The woman and man became stiff. "Exiles you say. Sad what can I say to you guys. Although you seem kind enough unlike the others we've met." He said with a pain in his voice. "Others?" Alex said. "Come in first and have some tea oh I'm Mrs. Mclain call me linda and he's Mr. Mclain call him robert." Linda said. "Rosalind!"  frantic voice came down the stairs. A tall fine looking boy who looked 14 also stood breathing hard at the end of the stair case. He was probably Daniel. He had amber colored hair and Green eyes and a big smile. It dissapeared when he saw us. "Rosalind are they your guards?" he asked. "Daniel!" She went up to him. "Oh no they are my friends were on a mission together you could say." He  blushed looking at what she was wearing. "Um what happeded to your dress?" He asked curiously looking down on the floor. My god he was such a sweety pie. I went up to him and ruffled his hair. "Hey there Daniel! right?" He nodded at me still unsure. It's alright We're from the Exile's soldiers we won't hurt you." I made a mistake saying that because then he pushed me back and looked at Rosalind. "You're friends with them", he said with a frown and sadness in his eyes. "Daniel it's ok they are good people!" She said putting a hand on his shoulder. He gave me a dirty look and got out of the house. "Daniel! That's not a way to treat our guests!" Linda screamed out of the door. Rosalind ran after him. "I'm sorry if I said something to hurt him." I look at Robert. "No it's fine. We had another son,Simon his name was. He died on the hands of exile soldiers." I gasped. "It can't be!" I looked at Alex and he froze there sweating. He in the city one day a young girl at the age of 4 was crying trying to find her family. When they finally did they didn't thank him they screamed and pointed at him and 2 guards slayed him." he said teary eyes and Linda behind us sobbing and blowing her nose. Alex shuffled in his chair and said nothing studying the curves of wood on the table. "Anyway since then Daniel hated every single Exile member. Mind his rudness," He nodded. "We have to go find Rosalinda." We walked towards the Feild. "Alex are you okay?" I asked him he was wearing an expression of guilt. "Oh it's nothing. Or maybe their is." Elizabeth was quiet since she heard the story it seemed to pain her. "Elizabeth do you mind if Amy and I talk about something personally?" He said taking me to the left side of the feild. She smiled up and shook her head. We walked for a long time in silence until we entered a forest. I decided to let him talk. "Amy you know the two killers who killed Simon." He said. I nodded. He gulped. "I was one of them." I stopped he stopped and leaned next to the tree on his right looking away. I reached up and turned his face and stared in his eyes. I hugged him. He started to cry. "I didn't mean it I was following orders and I was on a mission to protect a royal family. They said he was one of the killers after them and I had to i didn-" I put a finger on his lips and shook my head. "I know you wouldn't do that on purpose I know you had a reason." I touched his heart. "Trust me with anything Alex." I gave him a smile and kissed him. When he felt better we went out the forest. Rosaslinda and Daniel were having their romantic moment. I glanced at Alex and he smiled back at me. Daniel backed away from his kiss and hugged her he whispered words in her ear but I couldn't hear them. Rosalind was in tears. Something bad must've been happening. We decided not to intrude on their moment. So we stoody by close. They got up from the log they were sitting on in the middle of the feils and went in the forest. We acted like we just came. "Oh Rosalind we were looking for you and Daniel glad to see you here." I said. She wiped her eyes dry. Daniel didn't look at us. We went back and saw Linda and Elizabeth talking at the porch, Elizabeth look sincere. Probably about Simon. Linda saw us and hugged Rosalind and Daniel in concern. Then she gave us a quick smile. "Now get in you two troublemakers!" 

Rosalind was cooking dinner. We decided to stay since they insisted. They said they had one spare room and four beds. We didn't want to cause any incomfortablness but they insisted and Daniel just clenched his teeth and looked down. I was sitting on the table talking to Elizabeth and Alex was talking with Robert. Rosalind and Daniel seemed in a deep conversation. "You don't have to!" Yelled Daniel standing up. Rosalind blushed and look at us. "Daniel are you ok?" Said Linda. "Daniel please." Rosalind said staring at him. He looked sad and said, "I lover her." Robert dropped his newspaper and Linda stopped her stirring. "Daniel!" Rosalind said looking at him with confusion and a red face. "Daniel can you come for a minute?" Linda said. "Mother I know what you're going to say that she can't love me back and she has an arranged marraige when she turnes 15! But she doesn't have to. She's suffering. She's going to marry a royal when she doesn't even like him and he is 18!" He said yelling. "DANIEL!" Screamed his mother. He lowered his gaze and stood there embarressed. "You love her you say? Do you really mean that? Are you prepared to do anything for her? Live with her for the rest of your life? Die for her?" Alex said and I stared at him studying any sign on his face. "Ofcourse! Don't you know what love means! I'd give her my eyes my hand my heart! I Love here!" Daniel confessed adding a bang of his fist on the table. "Actually I do know what love means." Alex said looking at me blushing which also made me blush. "I would give up my whole world my life to her, but this is coming from my heart not just words. The person I love is among us right now beautiful as ever, I can't trust her with anything and so does she, Amy I love you." He said grabbing my hand. Rosalind smiled slightly at us, as she and Daniel sqeezed hands. "I vow on my life that I will protect you from the bottom of my heart Rosalind." He bent down and kissed her hand. She bursted in to tears but this time tears of joy. Elizabeth was attacking the kleenex box. Linda and Robert though looked more worried and angry."Daniel and Mr. Romeo, It isn't just about love it's about if you can please her with your fortune! You guys are still too yound for this disscussion! For goodness sake I met your father after I finished collage!" Rosalind stood. "I don't care if we live in a shack or even on the dirtiest sidewalk! I love him and that is the most thing that is important to me!" We were all silent. Then Linda laughed. Robert laughed. Elizabeth, Alex and I burst out laughing. Daniel and Rosalind were confused about this. "Dirtiest sidewalk oh that's going too far dear!" Linda said. "Our son can afford a house it's not like we're that down we just prefer to live here. It's you who was in a castle her whole life are you prepared to live in a normal house?" Robert said. Rosalinda laughed and nodded. Daniel soon joined in and forgetting the food on the stove we all laughed. "The food!!!!!!!!" Linda said stirring quickly. She laughed and shook her head. "Rosalind I'm prepared when ever you are." Daniel said taking a seat next to her. She blushed. "Same goes to me." The both sat there smiling at each other. I was really tired and for some reason I remembered Envy I froze in anger and sadness, my tatoo started pounding again. I held my heart it was killing me. It was as it knifes were stabbing through. My tatoo burned and I fainted hearing the last words of alex ,"Amy! What's going on! Oh no don't tell me." 

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