We crash a Ball party

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Today is the day! I got dressed in the most elegant gown. Elizabeth sat on her bed staring at me as if I were crazy while I was flustering trying to figure out a dress that will make me look least suspicious. Aha! I picked out a dark green dress with diamonds decorated on it. Not bad wonder if Alex will like it... Shake the thought off now Amy think about the mission! "Hey Elizabeth what do you think cool huh!?" She nodded at me, see she likes to stay quiet alot but shes actually very smart and fun to be around well when she feels like talking at least. I grabbed a silver crown and went in to the bathroom to change. I couldn't help but sneak a look at the tatoo. That nasty thing. I gave it a mean face and dresed quietly. I went out but didn't know what to do with my hair. "WOW!" I jumped hearing Elizabeth's voice. "Come over here got the right hairstyle for you!" I walked towards her "uhh thanks." She fixed it in a updo leaving bits falling from the sides. "You need red lipstick and silver eye shadow." She said finding the make up from the mirror. "Wow you really know how to make me look pretty." I looked at myself in the mirror. I was shocked. I looked gorgous not to be self centered or anything but really! She did a great job. "OH its nothing I like to do this stuff." She said while applying my makeup. "Oh by the way I got the list for your mission on who is going. One thing I know is that I'm going. The sad thing is...Envy will be joining us." I didn't know what to do. "Out of all people why her?" She shrugged. "Anyway some other girl called Jade and Ruthy. Don't know much on them but they are suppose to be top ranked luientants. Of course Alex is coming too. Make sure to pack your clothing the clothing that will suit you for a fight in your purse, everyone will." New people huh well nice to meet them. "You should get dressed now and head down I'll wait." 

We both went down the staircase. Elizabeth was totaly gorgous! She picked out a midnight dress embroided with silver diamonds and dark blue eye shadow with silverglitter on them and black lipstick. I was surprised to see Alex looking at me mouth wide. I htought he'd sneak a look at Elizabeth. Good thing he didn;t or he would have got a beating from me. Envy was in a Black gown pure black and had black makep with purple lipstick. Wow she decided to look normal for once. She was standing far away from us but he damn smile still didn't wipe off. The two new girls Jade and Ruthy which I still didn't know who is which. One wore a red gown matching wit herdark brown hair and the other wore one that is gold also matching with her tan colored hair. "The name is Jade. Ugh this dress is tottaly not comfortable! I mean really where is my knife hodler!!!!!!!!!" The red dressed girl said in fury and mean voice. "I'm Ruthy....It wasn't my choice to go on this mission I had rather wanted to go back to bed and do nothing." She said while yawning and Jade gave her a smack on the head. We left them both complaining at each other and stared at Envy. Alex came next to me and held my hand whispering "You look amazing". I smiled at him. "I'm Envy. Don't get in my way." She had this low whispery voice and evil in a way searching for blood. Forget the smile he voice nearly made me pee on my self! "ahem well I'm Amy nice to meet you all!" 

"My name is Alex" He said bowing. I hit him playfully and laughed at him. Acting all manly like that. He laughed back. "I'm Elizabeth I would love to meet you all and get to know you better." She ended it with a warm smile. Soon as she was done talking a man dressing in royal military uniform poked his head in "The carrage is ready." Carriage? COOL! Told you this was ending up as cinderella's story. We all took a seat in the carrage and soon parked in a forest. "What's the sudden stop?" I asked. "You will continue walking in a straight path until you see a white mansion madam." We walked in the forst. It was super creepy. Pitch black. Jade walked in front and ruthy right behind her yawning. Me and Alex walked together, while Envy walked behind next to the group in the back but far away. I could have sworn her eyes were glowing purple. The white mansion was now clear in sight. 

As we entered dang forget the throne room back home but wow. Everything was glass and all furniture was rich white. We entered as 2 guards stood bowing in the entrance. I walked in looking unsuspicious and so were the others. Well my big surprise is that Envy lost her teeth showing smile but gave a regular smile instead. Phew! She didn't look bad too we can maybe find her a boy or something she sure needs to socialize. Men crowded all over Elizabeth totally ignoring us. They all bowed down to her taking her hand. She didn't like it but instead I turned away. I was standing next to the food table doing nothing. Many of the boys sneaked a smile at me but sooner or later girls took them away to dance. I was startled to see Alex next to me saying something what sounded like "Shish Stufsh ish goodsh (this stuff is good) " muchinching on 2 choclate bars. I laughed at his face. I needed a camera right now, ahhh. Alex wiped his hand on a napkin politley and bowed down to take my hand. It was my turn to turn tomato red. I took his hand and we walked towards the dance floor. "Very lovley looking my dear." He said in a british accent. I tapped his chest lightly. The touch of his hands were comforting around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "So about killing the ronzels..." I got so angry at him for ruining the moment! "Alex!!!" This time i gave him a punch in the chest. "Hey hey miss fire head that hurt. I was just joking around with you! You're still amazing even when you're fistey!" He said the last sentence in a light silly man voice. We stood staring at each other dreamily. The music faded away silently Leaving us in a world of our own. When a fingernail sunk in to my shoulder. I nearly screamed when Alex blocked my mouth with his hands. I remembered the signal for the mission. Envy would tap us not hurt us!!!!! Anyway we went hand to hand gathering at the food table. Elizabeth snuck me a smile looking back andforth at us. I blushed. Jade was fittering and smiling finally happy to get some action and Ruthy was drinking a cup of soda    half asleep. "Now we get to kill them. Don't interfere with me or you may die." Envy said already changed her clothes to jeans cut off up to her knees and a dark green tanktop and her hair tie in a pony tail. 2 sharp bades were kept tied around her thigs. "Um you should concele your self before someone sees those weapons and notices." I told her shivering. She had her smile back on. "Oh please they're mesmerized in their meaningless dance not even knowing that their blood would be covering the floor soon." She laughed evily. I wonder if she did dance with someone  anyway....fat chance. We dressed in no time. I wore a tanktop making sure to not show the tatoo on my back and shorts. Elizabeth went in style. She wore a long red dress cut from the side of her leg whitch clearly showed her sword strapped to her thighs, Jade wore a short tankstop with a short sleeve net shirt on it and shorts that held 2 swords on each hip. Ruthy wore a casual tanktop and jeans she also had 2 swords. What's up with the 2 swords. I tapped my sword and looked at Alex who was dressed in a black short sleeve shirt and jeans. He had his long sword strapped on his back. we all looked at each other and charged. It was mad. I stood their in the middle frozen. I didn't know what to do so much blood spilling, even though they are badguys they're still just innocent people who came to have fun! The scene was horrendious. Jade and Ruthy back to back slicing people up like tornadoes, alex even alex, assasinated people, elizabeth'd opponents were to mesmerizd to notices a sword go through them and omg.... Envy! She was a mad woman elite assasian indeed! She laughed like a hiena slashing arms bodies took out a heart right in front of me.  *puke*. I guess some of the Ronzle body guards were in the dance cause three of them came at me with swords. I easliy nocked their weapons down. I didn't want to kill them but they came with their fists at me. Landing right on my face. Anger swallowed me up. I exploded with a scream and killed all three of them. I regained my sanity when i noticed my back throbbing. The tatoo was eager for blood shed, evil thing I say. I had to get this over with its either kill or be killed. I went throught the crowds stabbing bodies until there were no more to stab. We stood in the center. We look insane. really. We were covered in the enemy's bloos and I could hear the drip on the glass stained floor of my sword leaking blood. I fell to my knees screaming in pain. Alex ran towards me like I've never seen him run before. his speed was amazing. "Amy whats wrong! Speak!" He said laying me down on the floor. My tattoo was burning. I didn't have any strength to speak. Jade, ruthy and elizabeth came running towards me conforting me asking me what was going on. Only Envy stood their staring at me with a serious look. "M-my baaaaack." I said trying to speak. Alex turned me over and asked Elizabeth to lift my shirt for a moment. She looked confused and starled but she did so. He rested his hand on my tatoo. Elizabeth was shocked. She tapped Alex's hand away pulled down my shirt and made me sit up. Then she sang a tune. Yup a tune. Unlike any other though. It made me freeze with confusion then made my shoulders relax my eyes were slowly closing. 

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