The Party

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Elizabeth and I knocked on Daniel's house. We waited a bit then knocked again. Nothing. "Hey Amy take a look down there. I picked up a envolope. I read it. "Oh no...this is..." I knocked frantically on the door again. Nothing no reply. "It can't be!" I said. 

It was 8 o' clock, Elizabeth and I arrived back to our dorm. Rosalind ran up to us. "So is he here!" She said with a smile but when she saw our faces it fell. "What- what happened Amy Elizabeth tell me please!" She said nearly bursting to tears. I gave her the note. 'Dear Rosalind and the others, If you come back here and find this then know that I'm gone forever. I've traveled away and set my eyes on someone else, please don't be sad, it was just fate. I always knew that we couldn't be together. You're a princess and well I'm what they call me now a farmer boy. I've truly loved every moment with you, every tear and kiss we had, just remember don't be sad, this was excpected to happen. Well farewell..for good.' The paper fell, she looked at both of us. I knew something bad was going to happen. Her eyes drowsed off and she fainted plopping down to the floor. 

"Rosalind?" I said as her eyes opened. Everyone was gathered. She started to cry. Tears fell down like lanes of rivers non stop. Max had her hand in his. "Is she going to be alright?" He asked looking at us. "Why why did he do that. I don't believe him he's a liar. You guys are probably lying too! Go away all of you!" Rosalind shouted getting up and huddling in a corner. "R-rosalind..." I said with a sad tone not knowing what to say. I looked at them all and they returned only a look of pity. Alex walked and sat next to her. She slowed down on her crying. Her eyes were covered with her hands. "Rosalind." He said putting his hand on her shoulder. "I can't be sure whether you'll take my word the right way but, when you've lost someone I know what that pain feels like you can trust me on that, it's not easy. Listen close though, you can't just keep on living in that phase. You have to move on. It was probably hard for Daniel to write this down too but he's moving on he understand that you'll understand him. Now he doesn't want you feeling this way so don't cry." Alex said. I was surprised at the speech he pulled off. Rosalind looked at him with watery eyes. She shook her head and cried even more. "Rosalind." I said. Everyone turned to look at me. "I know you're going through a heart break, and probably almost everyone here felt what it means to loose something. Listen you can't keep on crying like this cheer up." I told her sitting cross legged in front of her. I picked up her chin. "Geez you look terrible I like it better when you smile!" I said giving her a smile myself. She lossened up and stopped crying. She gave a little smile. I picked her up. "Now oh yes don't we have a part to go to?" I told her. "Get dressed!" I yapped at everyone as they retreated like ants. 

"I love the dress chocie Rosalind!" I said cheering her up. She had a light pink strapless ball dress embroided with diamonds, a diamond neckalace cuff to go with it and arm length satain gloves. Her hair was down from straight to wavy and her make up was white and slight pink eye shadow with hot pink lips. Her skin was powdered extra white to make her look more vintage. I rummaged through the closet at last I found a golden ball dress strapless. It curved down a little to the top of my tattoo, so it wouldn't show. It had a glimmer to it with diamonds decorated on the bottom half of the dress. I also had golden arm lenght satain gloves on. Elizabeth who wore a midnight purple dress also strapless and had the same desgin as mine from the back. There was some layer on it that made the purple dress it looked as if it was covered by tiny stars and a black satain armlength gloves. It was probably glitter. Her hair was some how made in to a short loose bun that bobbed at the side, and her make up was dark purple lips and light purple eyeshadow with a fade of black on the top. I bent down so she can fix my hair. She made it in to an up do and applied golden make up on me light gold eye shadow and a fade of white and gold lips. She really does know how to do someone's make up. "Wow I'll always be shocked on how you can make a person's look change." I told her giggling. "Now the final touch!" I said walking on my golden heals. I got a feathered golden mask, a pink one, and a dark purple one. I gave one to Elizabeth placed one on Rosalind and placed mine on too. "Now get ready to look great!" I said as we left the dorm. 

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