The Wonderful Sir Angelique Williams

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"What more do you want." I asked, annoyed.

"Now, don't wrinkle you're cute forehead like that." Angelique teased, looking more cheerful since ever. "Amy, there is a snowflake on your back, I guess? Don't you think that has to do with the dark matter from possessing Alexander?" He grinned.

"You aren't trying to say that it's presence prevented the possession."

"More like forced it in to Alexander. For example, it's sealed in him." He replied.

"But why! This stupid thing always took over me and annoyed the hell out if my life every time I fought!" I explained.

"And has it been annoying you lately?" He asked. I thought about that for a while. It hadn't in fact. I shook my head thinking of an explanation.

"So that's it, it's grown to like you, and you've tamed it. Now it would be easier to use such power by your own will." He cheered. Ew. That thing inside me wanted to take over now all of a sudden it wants to be all friendly. Make up your mind already, geez.

"But what'll happen now?" I asked. He shrugged and looked up with a smile full of hope and expectation. Whispers swarmed above my head.

"Sir Angelique Williams, you are to escort Amy Rose and investigate Alexander Roranora's condition. That is all." The voiced said in unison. The metal cuffs broke loose and I stood, stretching my wrists and body.

"I understand. Now shall we go Amy?" He smiled, pointing hand, motioning me forward.

"Yea." I agreed, getting a bad feeling. What was going on in the palace?


"Sir Angelique Williams has arrived!" He waved in front of the king's palace. I froze in place. Everyone was rushing past us. I noticed the depressed air rushing from Angelique as he was ignored.

"Hurry! Stop slacking off!" A man barked at us. I took a step forward and ran towards the castle entrance. I felt my heart thump against my rib cage as quickly as my legs ran. I pushed through the entrance and ran in. Everyone was rushingout. They were getting prepared for something.

"My, wonder what's going on?" Angelique asked, sliing right next to my side.

"Alex." I mumbled, running toward the stairs that led to the underground chamber.

"Ooh! Alex is here?" Angelique asked, already heading down the stairs. That was fast, but at the moment I couldn't care less.

"Oh Alex!~~~" Angelique sang in front of his room. I panted, studying the surroundings. Everything was fine. Except for somethings. Nanny stared at me pale as he bed sheet, and Luke and Cindy were nursing Rosalind instead of Max.

"Where is Max?" I asked, trying to regain my breath.

"That idiot ran off with the others. The king declared war on the Ronzels." Luke explained. I smacked my forehead, hard.

"Ooh the king did?~" Angelique poked in.

"Who is that freak?" Cindy asked.

"What. Did. She. Call. Me. A-A..." Angelique broke down.

"Forget him, what the heck is going on!" I panicked.

"Like you heard. War was declared and everyone is in a riot trying to prepare thenselves." Luke repeated. I smacked my forehead again.

"And Max..." I started to hyperventilate.

"Gone in the crowd. Besides where were you?" Luke repeated again. I let out a scream of frustration.

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