The swimming Race

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Alex stayed in my room and Elizabeth and David went out for a walk. "Where was David?" I asked Alex. "I don't know what was wrong with him but this morning I went inside that club/ gameroom place we went to before to meet up with some of my friends and I glims him drunk. Not only that, but he was flirtting with another girl who was simpily not only drinking but illegally taking drugs." I cut him off," There's drugs here too?" I asked. "Yes but it isn't allowed. So as a friend I took him poured water on his head and pounded sense in to him until we got up here." I was shocked. "Wow What really went on with David?" I asked. "He doesn't know, he thinks it was the girl who forced him in to that path." He said. "Anyway, Amy, today is Friday which means swimming time! Ah thinking about seeing you in a bathing suit..." Alex said dreamily. "They don't seperate the girls from boys?" I asked. "No it's just that the Queen and King will be there her self so no one would do something stupid. Anyway its a swim to benifit training." He said. "I don't know I might feel weird." I said blushing. "Aww don't ruin my moment to see you, besides you never been to a beach before?" He asked. "Yes I have been to one and Alex I thought it's benificial for training not seeing me in a bathing suit." I said rolling my eyes. "Um yea sure. We should be going anyway now." He said getting up from the bed. We exited the room.

I went outside. Many other girls were already in their swimming suit. Forget the Queen and King the boys had no respect. They were chasing the girls all over and winking at them. I glared at Alex. "This is what you said no one would want to do anything stupid?" I asked. He giggled nervously. Two women came and handed us the swimmming suits and showed us the girls dressing room and boys dressing room. I waved goodbye to ALex and headed there. Girls were entering and exiting. We all had the same kind of bathing suit on. I caught a glimps of the king and queen. Even Nanny was sitting with them she had a yellow beach dress on. No wonder no one was showing respect. I wouldn't have imagined they would dress like that. The king had shorts on and no shirt while the queen had a swimming suit of her own with a old fashion big hat. She sat sipping lemonade and fanned her self. She caught me looking at her and waved her fan. I waved back trying not to look to awkward. I went in.

Geez couldn't they make this a little longer? My swimming suit was so short as excpected but really? I kept on tugging at it. I caught a group of boys winking at me and waving. Just as some boy whistled at me a hand squeezed his shoulder making him flinch in pain. Alex was behind him putting on a evil smile on his face. He whispered something to the boys and it sent them running like little chickens. I laughed as Alex approached. "I feel sorry for them what did you say?" I asked. he smiled. "It's best you'd not know." He said looking me up and down. "Wow this shows that my sense of imagination was lacking indeed." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I feel weird though my tattoo is showing." I said. He looked back. "Looks even better." He said smiling. "Omg hide." I told him. Diana was approaching me. "Crap just at the right moment." Alex said walking away. "Well well look who it is Amy. I hope you're coming today remember its at 9 and the theme is vintage." She said. I was surprised she was acting so nice. Smells fishy. "Oh I have a tredmill you can borrow to loose some fat." She said as she walked aside the two others laughed. I rolled my eyes. First of all I know that I'm in shape because I have my body kept fit from all this training . So I gave it to her. "Yes I remember, but maybe you should put on some weight just in case the boys don't mistake you as a stick. She froze she was going to say something when a group of girls started to do what sounded like a fangirl scream. I turned at the commotion. Max and Alex both walked in the crowd. "Maxy! I heard your name was Maxwell I soooo love that name!" One of the girls said. "Omg Alexander!" another said pretending to faint. Diana and the other two ran to them and started to flirt. I rolled my eyes geez. All the girls were all over Max especially him. What kind of question is, can I touch your abs? But Max was playing along with the girls. I saw Nanny getting up. Boy she was against Max flirting. The queen tapped her shoulder and smiled. She said something that sounded like, they're young leave them be. One of the girls asked Alex something and he answered laughing she laughed and put her hand on his shoulder leaning closer to him. I frowned, should I go there and beat the heavens out of her? Shetip toed to his ear and whispered something and kissed him. He blushed a little and shot straight up. Yes maybe I should go. I walked over. I grabbed the girls hand and gave her a smile, I sent her flying in to one of the tents. I caught th eking's expression, he had sort of a scared face on and leaned closer to the queen who gasped but then laughed. Alex had a o shaped mouth and started to crack up along with Max. "Wow Amy I sort of feel bad for the poor little girl." He said. I pinched his ear and dragged him alone leaving Max. "So your acting all flirty with girls now?" I said bending his face to my face level. He grinned and caught me in a kiss. At least he wasn't flirting with some girl now. Our attention was caught when a group of five boys surrounded a girl, it was Rosalind. Max stopped smiling. I can understand the boys action I mean she is a princess she looks pretty but hey I have to defend her. One of the boys leaned closer and put his hand on her shoulder whispering something in her ear and backing off. Max was going to walk over there until Rosalind raised her hand and slapped him. "BACKOFF!" I heard her shout. The boy looked hurt but ignored her back off. The others ignored her too and leaned even closer. Alex Max and I beat them up obviously. "Thanks."She said. The king looked even scared by now and the queen was laughing her head off not showing an nobility in it. Nanny shook her head and muttured something. Another thing caught our attention. The crowd of boys on Rosalind was enough, there had to be atleast 10 following Elizabeth as she sped walk. One of them held he shoulder. She turned and gave him a feirce look which made the others crowd closer to her. She had a worried look on her face. What was going on here this was like a mad house. Just then David pushed threw gripped the boy's hand off her and made him scream. David took Elizabeth by both her shoulders walking away laughing and whispering in her ear like nothgin just happened. Dang. "Really doesn't anyone have rescpect here? This place is just too dramatic," I asked shaking my head. I think it was Shane who was hanging out near the pool three boys were saying somehting to her. Her face was expressionless. I pointed. "I feel bad for them three." Alex laughed and agreed. One leaned closer he didn't even touch her and she sent all three flying from her sight. Andrew came and they both left. "Ok enough playing around" a voice on the loudspeakers said, it was the king's. "We will now begin the race, 20 people each will go in the pool and race. There are three red flags at the end of each lane. You have to swim three times and get all three at the other side first. The first five peope will be the winners. They will be prized money." I could've sworn the people's eyes glimmered a little when hearing money. I really didn't understand. Now the first group was announced. He said some names. Then he said mine. I was assigned lane 9. I stood there. Then Alex was assigned lane 12. Wow great a competition now. He smiled at me. I gave him an evil smile. I mouthed the words you're going down. He shook his head and pointed back at me. "Begin!" We all dived in. Alex and I were leaving the others behind in our splashes. I viciously took the flag I was first I put on of my flags on the other side. I was reaching for the second when Alex sped up and delievered two of them. I swam back for the third. My arms were tiered by now but I was half way to get first palce when Alex slammed the third one and jumped out. I slammed mine and climed out. "My arms were just tired." I said giving him an excuse that was true. I shook the water out of my hair and the third place came out. She was a girl about our age who had orangey hair and icey blue eyes she looked at both of us and gave a small frown. They were really up to the competition. The fourth was a boy our age who had brown hair and brown eyes. He had a smaller body than Alex's but he looked strong. The fifth was another girl who had brown hair she had a perfect shaped body that was suited for a swimmer liek the orange haired girl. The whistle blew. "The winners are, Alexander first place, Amy second place, Jane third place, Shawn Fourth place, and finally Jean fifth place." the first race had ended. Everyone got out and was replaced. Rosalind was next in lane 6 and Elizabeth was in lane 10. The first was a boy called Ruth, Elizabeth made it second, A girl called Juana made it third, Rosalind made it fourth and a boy called Greth made it fifth. Juana made a faced at Elizabeth for coming in second. "Well then." I said as she walked over rolling her eyes. "Great job Rosalind!" We praised her. For a princess she wasn't bad. "Oh we used to do this excersize everyday no biggie." She said laughing. Third team was Max and Shane uh oh. The out come....Max came in first Shane came in second a girl called Randy came in third a boy called Sam came in fourth and a boy called Simon came in fifth. Shane glared at Max and walked away. The fourth team was David in lane 5 and believe it or not Envy in lane 8! He scored in third place and Envy scored first. David looked shaky though not recovering from the things he had been taking. I guestured Envy over. She looked embarresed with the swimming suit on her and I teased her on how pretty she looked. Elizabeth ran over to David and gave him a kiss on the cheek she comforted him as she had a worried expression on her face. It went on for about a while. I studied the people who won. It probably means that they are strong and we should watch out from them. It finally finished. It was about 6:00 pm. "Okay we'll meet each other at Diana's." I said as all of us dried and changed clothes headed to our dorms. Rosalind went with Elizabeth and I as she now made an arrangment with the King to stay with us.

Nanny pulled me out for a moment. "Um you needed me for something?" I said. "Yes girl was I right seeing that tatoo on your back?" She asked seriously. "Yea that thing I got it in my rouge test." I said the feeling sending a shrudder down my spine. "If I'm mistaken, that's the same one Alex's mother had. That is what we called the seal." I looked at her with my mouth open. "Wait so you're saying that this is like the darkness thing?" I asked. "I'm afraid so. Does the king and queen know of this?" She asked. I nodded feeling gloomy. "Hmm I need to talk with them. Amy stay alert don't get yourself into too much fights alright?" She asked. I nodded. She left still with a serious look on her face. I was standing there hopeless hearing her repeat the same words over and over again in my head.

"Amy, Elizabeth.." Rosalind said. We both looked over at her. "I don't feel like going to the party anymore." She said feeling down. "What how come?" Elizabeth spoke up since she was good at soothing people down. "I can't just leave and know that Daniel is there wondering about me. I know I didn't tell you but today is also my brithday. I turn 15 if I'm found I'll be taken and in a week I'll get married." She said as I sighed. We had no choice. "Rosalind do you truley love him?" I asked. She nodded furiously. "Elizabeth get up were going to get him." I said. Elizabeth got up not saying a word. "Stay here until we're back." I said as we left the room.

My Immortal [ON HOLD] ~Under major editing~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora