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"What are we going to do." I forced the words out. Alex continued to pick the grocery items. I stared at the woman and the child who were staring back at us with worry.

"What do you mean?" He finally answered.

"Well I'm saying that we can't leave then in a place like this." I boiled up. He was really annoying me.

"No it's fine. Just leave them were you found them. We're on a special mission and plus, they belong here." He answered. I balled my fist and ran up to him.

"What the heck is wrong with you!" I shouted, grabbing his collar.

"I'm not gonna leave." The little boy no older than four years spoke up.

"Matthew!" The woman scolded. I turned at the boy.

"Oh so you'd like to stay in this stinking place. I know you're young and you don't understand but you and your mom are in danger here." I told him, softening my tone. He shook his head.

"You little brat." I mumbled under my breath. Alex laughed and shook his head.

"Just leave him here." He said.

"My father will come back! I will wait!" The boy yelled. That caught our attention.

"Silence!" His mother slapped him as tears fell down her face. "Your father will probably never come back!" She screamed.

"He will! He will! He will!" The boy yelled back storming off.

"Whoopsie! Where do you think you're going," Alex hissed, picking the boy up in his arm.

"Let me go!" The boy wiggled around.

"Stay still you little brat!" Alex hissed and looked at the woman for explanation.

"His father left when he was one year old." She said. "We never heard of him until now." She continued, sobbing her eyes out.

"That's enough. You'll be coming with us." I reached down to pick her up. She was too pretty to live here safely.

"Hey! We can't just pick anyone up-"

"Let's go." I cut Alex off, already walking ahead.


"And that's the story." I finished explaining to Elizabeth and Rosalind as they looked from me to Alex. We weren't going to make up, well at least I wasn't unless he apologizes to me and Max. The woman clutched her angry son close as she sat on the cafeteria seat. Cindy and Max haven't come for dinner yet.

"Oh there was Max." Rosalind said. We looked down as he approached our table.

"Hey Max, do you know where Cind-" Elizabeth was cut off by the woman's gasp.

"Maxwell!" She yelled grabbing the confused Max into a hug.

"Father! I knew you were still alive!" The little boy ran up and hugged Max. He stared at us with a dull expression. His morning drool wasn't even washed and just about now he looked like he could just slit someone's throat open.

"What kind of weird play is this?" Max asked us.

"What do you mean play Maxwell! I'm your wife! There, over there is your son!" The woman exploded.

"Congratulations on becoming a daddy." Rosalind said, barley keeping a straight face. Max slowly removed himself from them and ran to the stairway.

"No! Hell no! No!!!!" Max yelled pointing at us with a terrified expression. At least he looked more awake now. A broom came crashing on his head with Nanny on the other side.

"How could you! You could've waited at least tell me!" She continued to beat him.

"Chill! One minute Nanny! I haven't seen that woman or that child before! Besides it's impossible, my age....nope!"

"Three timing, hmm?" Alex mumbled and gave a look of disgust. Max furrowed his brows and ignored him.

"Um, I'm sorry, I don't know who you are," Max negotiated with the woman.

"Oh my, so many dazzzzling ladies this morning," Luke said, as Cindy appeared besides him.

"Latest headline, Maxwell is now a father," Elizabeth filled them in with a giggle.

"Wahhahahhaha!!!!!!" Luke rolled on the floor laughing his head off. "Wow, Max! You Max! I mean I would've expected Alex, but not Max." Luke said.

"Watch it. I at least know that much." Alex said, giving Max brotherly death stares. I sighed. Everyone stared at me as I kept silent for a long time.

"We all know Max isn't like that." I said, pushing tension and embarrassment aside. I could almost hear Alex laughing under his breath. I probably sound like a hypocrite to him.

"Max you don't remember her right?" Luke asked. He nodded, happy to find someone who gets him. "So then the only explanation is that you got drunk," Luke blurted out, once again removing any good logic in his head.

"No! I would never do that! Guys please help me out!" He pleaded. Luke sadly shook his head.

"The boy looks exactly like you. Explain it." Luke said. I look close and a string of surprise curse words spilled out. No wonder I noticed someone familiar in his face earlier.

"You're right!" I leaned close, inspecting the boy. Max hid his face in his palms releasing a inside scream.

"Guys what do I do! I don't know anything about this!" He pleaded once more.

"CURSE YOU MAXWELL!" The woman said bringing her fist towards Max who safely dodged it as she broke the stair's railing. What kind of strength did this woman bear?! I felt bad as she chased Max around with explosive kicks and punches. "I DEMAND THAT YOU REMEMBER YOUR WIFE! DONT GO LEAVING ME AND COME BACK WITH A CLEAN SLATE FOR A BRAIN!" She yelled.

"Wait!" He grabbed her foot, trying to hide himself from the people's eyes. "I swear I don't remember you!" He yelled back.

"WHAT! SO NOW YOU'VE GOT AMNESIA! AND DID I HEAR SOMETHING ABOUT THREE TIMING?!" She continued to attack him. He shook his head and pointed at Rosalind.

"Her! I like her and only her!" Rosalind turned her head in shame and sadness, but she couldn't hide the pink shade across her cheeks. "Don't look away!" Max whispered in desperation.

"The only way you can keep your pride is by listening to you wife." Alex blurted. Max froze, receiving a knock out punch from the woman. Despite her slim figure, and an innocent look she packed some strength that could be of help on a battle field. She actually knocked him unconsious.

"Your father doesn't remember us Matthew!" She spat at the floor. Matthew spat as well. That was a fast recovery.

"I thought I could get dad back to save me from mom's punches but he's too weak." Matthew shook his head in betrayal.

"You only cared about that." I whispered. I mean I would...sort of. Alex picked up Max, shaking his head, and climbing up to his dorm.

"Nanny, I thought you kept a close eye on him." Alex said, looking at Max's "wife".

"Where did I go wrong," Nanny said quietly. "Come dear," She accepted the new woman who was crying. She looked back at the heart shattered Rosalind with pity. I put a hand on Rosalind and smiled.

"They've all gone crazy. You should know Max would never go as far, even if he got drunk." I reassured.

My Immortal [ON HOLD] ~Under major editing~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum