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"He always fought the bad guys on the Rune district who caused trouble, then made them go to their rightful homes or where ever with a smile on their faces. He was loved by all." Lucy said. "I mean, He'd spend more time solving other's problems rather than his." She said shaking her head sadly. "That's until he was taken by the Royalities, he stood up for what he believed that when he saw an old guy being hit by them he couldn't help but defend him. They can't negotiate though, they're evil. They took him away I didn't see him, It's been 1 year now." She said sniffing. "I see...it must be terrible for you two." I said in a low voice full of sadness. It's hard to lose a parent. She nodded. "But there is something bothering me I was meaning to ask." I said, Lucy looked up. "That ring, she was willing to defy the Royality knowing the dangers, yet she hung on to it. What is it to her?" I asked. "Oh that ring...It was something Roger found and gave to her before he was captured she never even let me touch it." She said. I nodded. That ring seemed oddly familiar. "It was just something I wanted to know thanks anyway." I said. Darcey got out of the room. "Thank you guys for helping me," she said bowing her head in grace. "It's fine," I said getting up. She quickly bit her lip as tears fell down her face. "I can't make it to the ally. If I can I'd go save my father, but I always get lost!" She said crying. "Don't cry," Alex said stepping foward and putting his hand on her head. "We'll get him back promise you that." He said. Lucy and Darcey stared at him quietly. "What?" Lucy said. "You'll get yourself killed." She said. "You know that we're from the Exiles.." Alex said as Lucy sucked in her breath, "But in particular we don't like people mistreating others, don't worry we'll get him back." Alex said. Lucy put a hand on his shoulder. "Look I don't want you to get hurt promise me that, please try a less dangerous way." She said giving him a quick squeeze on his shoudler. He smiled and nodded. He looked at us seriosuly as we left the door. "Please be safe!" Darcey called out as we exited. I looked back and gave her a thumbs up to show that we'd be fine. She smiled and waved back. "Nice people huh even though they're Exiles," Lucy said to Darcey as she closed the door. "I trust them, I'll be sitting here until dad comes home." Darcey said sitting cross legged on the couch looking at the ring. 

We walked out and Alex looked at me. "What?" I asked staring back at him awkwardly. "Nothing, did you find what you were looking for though?" He asked me. I nodded. "Sort of I found clues." I said. He stayed quiet, he probably wanted to know what it was. I stayed quiet, I don't know if my prediction is true, but if it is then I'l tell them. For now I have to collect all the clues I can get. 

I'm starting to get really stressed and depressed from all this pressure on me. I can't focus on anything. All that's in my mind is the war, and I notice everyone is getting uncomfortable from it aswell. I mean we just went backto our dorms and we were trying to sleep. Usually thisd would've been a fun time, instead it was silent. I lies on my bed staring at the ceiling in the darkness of the room. I heard the others start to have a smooth breathing, they must be falling asleep by now. I got out of bed and and walked out of the dorm. Ugh I needed light. I walked down the stairs and in to the throne room. No one was there but the lights were on so I layed down on the couch staring at no where. Wow I sound pretty boring by now, matches my mood. "Hey." A voice rang up from the door way. I sat up, it was Alex. "Hey, why aren't you sleeping?" I asked. "I was just going to ask you the samething, by the way I always come here at night." He said sitting next to me. It was really quiet. "Amy are you alright?" He asked quietly looking straight foward. "What makes you think I'm not alright?" I asked studying my nail. "You honestly think I haven't noticed? Your not the Amy that always had the spark in her." He said looking at me as I kept on studying in intrest at my nail. "It's really nothing you should worry about," I said. "No it is." He said stubbornly. "I thought you were the one always saying to always trust me and tell me your worries." He said looking hurt. I sighed. "It's stupid, it's just about the war, I'm worried." I said tightening my lips together. I looked at him. He held my chin and leaned to give me a kiss. He pulled back. "Don't worry, if I'm with you then I'll protect you as long as I'm still breathing, I won't allow a scratch on you." He said holding one of my hands. I just didn't feel good this time, I mean some of my worries relaxed but my heart was pounding so much. "I just have this strange feeling that somehting might happen." I said looking down. "Amy." Alex said, I looked up. "Can't you trust me?" He asked with a blank face. "Of course what're you talking about?" I asked stiffling a laugh at the question. He looked serious. I loked back at him. "I really do." I said. "Then stop, stop talking like that, nothing will happen I told you already if I'm still breathing the same air as you, I'll protect you with my life. I'd die for you." He said. "NO!" I said grabbing him in a hug. "You're not going to do somehting stupid and die." I said as tears slipped by. He hugged me tight as well. "Only for you I'm willing to, but if it's a promise, then promise me as well that nothing stupid will happen, like dying." He said hugging me even closer. "It's a promise." I said sniffing. "It's a promise." He said backing away and giving me a kiss. He held my hand. "Let's go back." He said exiting the door with me. We walked by quietly the stairs weren't that close to the cafeteria below but I saw Cindy and Luke also in a deep conversation. Luke was talking using his hands and Cindy had her hand clutching her head. "Bye, get a good night sleep love, feel better tommorow." Alex said infront of my dorm room. He gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I went back in I guess speaking wqith someone made me feel better, because I slept right away. 

My Immortal [ON HOLD] ~Under major editing~Where stories live. Discover now