Finding Light again

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A wild roar came out of me I slashed Envy but she leaped up and flew down like a rocket aiming her knives at me. We were both out of control. I lost my abilty of sense. Envy and I were clashing at each other like monsters out of this world. Everyone stared at us but kept on fighting their own battle. Pieces of frost flew out from my sword and nearly got Envy's arm. She lunged an attack on me and I quickly blocked the attack deflecting it. We pressed pressure on the swords until Envy's sword took out a black fire the pressure caused me to loose my foot hold and skid over to the wall hitting my head. I got up with a loud roar I flung an attack so hard that ice shards flew on to her knocking her down from the sword's pressure. I attacked her again but her voice came out saying, "Just who do you think you're fighting with? You think it'll be so easy to kill me! FOOL!" She dissapeared reappearing behind me. Before i knew it her knives formed a black fire of X and cut my back. I fell coughing blood form the floor. That attack was really powerful. I blacked out. "Save me." Said a faint voice. I got up it was dark and gray. I could barly see my own hands. "Save me" the voice said again. "Who are you were are you?" I said in a whisper. I felt scared. Where am I. I remember meeting Envy and blacking out. What went on? "Find the light." It said to me. "What light?" I replied. There was only silence given to me until it said. "I cannot tell you you have to find out on you're own." Wow I was really getting sme help. I sat back down waiting for my eyes to readjust to the darkness. I blinked and saw a flash of the evil power of me I fought before to regain control. What was going on? I opened my eyes and it was still darkness. I got up now panicking I ran and ran I tripped over nothing. I went face down on the floor. I cryed not from the pain but fear. Why was this happening to me? I got up. There fallign from my eyes a drop of light flew ahead of me. I ran to grab it. I ran but it didn't feel like it did a difference. Then a huge light came down reappearing was the good side to my power. "Amy why did you leave me?" She said looking pained and sad. I pointed for the light my words choking me until I finally said. "The light I need it but I can't get  it." I said stammering and sobbing. "You have to gain trust in me you're in the world of madness inside your mind. Only then you can catch the light. Now GET UP AMY! SAVE YOUR WORLD OF SANITY!" She said screaming. "Only you can do this each day our world becomes smaller and darker. Come on what are you doing here go save your world!!!!!" At a que everything shook. I tryed to keep my footing. I stumbled skating across the darkness. "Stop dancing around and catch the light. When you do tell it what you desire of the outcome of your battle. If it's right you'll be back if it's wrong you'll be swallowed by madness. Hurry!" I saw the light again. I ran this time feelign like I'll catch it. So close to catch it, I caught it and fell on my knees. I held it close. "I WANNA WIN! I WANT TO BRING ENVY BACK. PLEASE!" I said crying. I didn't care if I looked pitifull in front of her or If I said it outloud. I didn't care at all. Whitenesss spread around. The last thing I heard was a voice saying. "Thank you." It said. It was really close to my ear. With a tap I felt on my shoulder I was back in Alex's Dorm. Everyone was on their feet as I stood up my eyes turned white and I glowed A halo formed on me. Everyone was looking at me weirdly. I was really tall this time and Envy's black eyes widened. I picked up my sword the ice turned a tint of gold. I charged. My sword went through her chest I hugged her tightley and pressing my sword harder in. "Envy come back please!" I said crying hard. Her wings turned to black fire and her eyes cleared up turning back to her natural fade of green. Her eyes were wide and her face had an expression of shock. My wings melted and my eyes turned back to normal. We sat there I was crying so hard I couldn't even speak. Slowly and silently tears fell from her eyes. She collapsed crying and sobbing loudly. The window broke in the room. Alex's room was on the side so he could see the outside. Standing was a man in his early 40's he had long silver hair and shining blue eyes. He had a blank expression. "Envy....Everyone let us go now." He stared at them silently. "Father! We can't we still didn't complete our mission! The traitor Envy also started to join them!" He said screaming back. The father was silent. "Silence! If Envy wants to stay then lets her. She will eventually come back. It's from her nature. Besides we had a talk already and I don't see any harm from her she will come back though." He said. The whole family was silent. "Now lets go." He jumped out of the window. I was going to stop him since her might fall and break a neck or something but then I remembered that he was an assassian. The rest abandonded their battles and jumped out the window as well. "Amy..." Alex said he was going to say something but then her considered the moment and drowned down his voice. Envy got up and left head down not heaing a squeak from her feet or the door. I got up and slammed the door so hard that I saw Alex flinch. Now great we started a war with Rolanda's best assassains. Amazing. Envy. I was worried about her. She seemed rather depressed now. Well she is human after all not sure about her family but yea. I sighed and went back to my dorm I'm goign to take a shower or something then I'll sleep after what just happened I'm tired. I hope the palace will be at peace for a little bit. I wonder how the king will react. Oh well like I care.

My Immortal [ON HOLD] ~Under major editing~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ