Saving a Friend

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I woke up with Alex still sleeping next to me with his foot on my stomach nearly sufforcating me and his hand on my face and his face burried in to the pillow. I skidded off the bed. Yes he is sleeping next to me, nothing big. Yesterday night Elizabeth said she'd cut her head off and refuse to let Alex sleep with me. Alex was really tiered so he didn't really care where he slept I wanted to stay with him an make him feel better so I told Elizabeth to go cut her head off because he isn't sleeping anywhere but here. So we had a fight until she gave in and went to her bed. I had a feeling Alex felt better now. "Amy good thing you're awake I was on an attempting to kill Alex now." Elizabeth said from behind me. "Why?" I said yawning and fluffing my hair of of my face. "This boy comes sleep walking to my bed in the middle of the night and plops him self on me. I DON'T THINK I ENJOYED GETTING OFF FROM UNDER HIM. HE'S LIKE 100 TONS WITH ALL THOSE MUSLES HE HAD!!!!" She shouted. I shushed her careful not to wake him up. "Oh don't worry he sleeps like a rock. I threw the pillow at him thinking something sneaked at me when I was sleeping, but this boy slept like there was no tommorow." She haid furiously combing her hair. "It couldn't have been that bad Liz." I said rolling my eyes. "I don't care it's final he's out of here and this scene won't happen again! I'm going to breakfast!" She said slamming the door after her. I got up and washed up. I feel so bad ignoring Rosalind until now. I should go get her today. I got out of the bathroom and Alex was studying a perfume bottle. I sneaked up and sprayed it aall over him. "AMY!!! Now I smell like a girl!" He said groanig. I laughed so hard that i fell down clutching my stomach. His face! Elizabeth must have done this. He had lipstick and eyeshadow. He looked in to the mirror and started to nearly scream like a girl. "Omg! Alex you're still cute even when you look like a girl! I need a wig and a camera like right now." I said still gaspin for breath. "Amy I'm going to tickle you forever if you don't stop laughing and get me a rag now!" I don't know but when I looked at him again I cracked up even more. "Amy now you've done it!" He fell down tickling the life out of me. "ALEX!!! STOPPPP!!!" I yelled laughign my head off. "Nope get me a towel first." He said grining at me with satisfaction that he got me back. "Fine fine its in the bathroom!" I said laughing as he ran faster that lightning to the bathroom. Oh god priceless moment happening over here and there is nothing to record this shame! We went down stairs to the lunchroom as Alex's friends teased him about not coming back to his dorm last night and did smooch faces when we came down together. I shook my head and sat with them. "Where you been Romeo?" Clarie said winking at me. "No Clarie, no." I said smiling and shaking my head. We had a fun time until someone called Diana came over. "What the hell do you want." I asked putting my face in my hands. The others started to tisk and shake their heads exchanging annoyed glances. "Oh nothing really I just wanted to invite you to my part tommorow on friday. It's at my dorm starting from 9 pm and ending at 1 am. See you there oh and bring all your friends." She said smiling and ginving me an invatation. I lifting one eyebrow. What exactly did she want? "Um I don't know if i wi-" She cut me off. "No no you have to and bring your boyfriend too hun ok see you there." She said going on to another table. "What an annoying pest," Shane said shaking her head. "Tell me about it." I said rolling my eyes. I looked at the invitaion and put it aside. 

"Ok listen we're going to kidnapp Rosalind again same way we did last time. Got it?" I said hiding in the bushes infront of Rosalind's mansion. "Why am I dragged in to this?" Elizabeth asked. "Because we are the three people who know Rosalind the most." Alex said preparing to jump out. "Okay lets go!" We ran and knocked out the 6 guards standing. "They added 4 more guards." Alex said pickpocketing the door. "They locked it this time probably to keep her safe." I said going in now that the door is opened. "Okay lets go." Alex said retracing the same way. "When do these guards go away!" I said knocking 2 at a time. "They got the tight security this time since they probably don't want her getting kidnapped again." Elizabeth said. "They're so weak though! But it's tiring" Alex said. We were infront of the door to her room her room was locked and the door knob was chained. "Man this is realy going over board!" Alex said. "We just have to bust the door down." I said as Alex already prepared to do so. "Wait! We're going to be heard!" Elizabeth said. "Its fine." Alex busted the door. Rosalind was sitting back face to the door but before she saw who did this Alex taped her mouth and stuffed her in to a black bag. "You sure we should do this? She's probably scared out of her mind by now." Elizabeth said. I nodded. "The good ol' fashion out of the window!" I said pushign both of them before the could protest and jumped down before guards came in to the room shouting. We ran screaming and complaining about how we landed on the wrong foot. "RUNNNN!" I screamed and laughed. 

"AMY!!!!" Rosalind screamed sitting on Amy's bed in her dorm. "Sorry we needed to stuff you in the bag so we could escape faster." I said giving her a nervous giggle. She sighed and plopped her hands on her lap. "Now what?" She said shaking her head. "Father is probably going to start a fight he probably suspects that the king here ordered this. It's going to become a war zone!" She said in frustration. "And you think we would let that happen?" I said. "In the mean time tommorow actualy you're 'old friend' Diana has a party so we're invited and just chill until we figure something out. No one knows you here but Diana and her friends we will tell her that ou came to vist. No biggy." I said. "Diana!" She groaned. "I understand you Rosalind." Alex said simpathetically. "Anyway Rosalind you will sleep here and no not you Alex stop sitting in a praying stance. We should be going dinner now, we will trying sneaking some of our portions don't worry we got you." Elizabteh said ending the last sentence with non but a thumbs up. "Elizabeth....I's comfortable!" Alex said whining and acting like a 4 year old. "No Alex!" Elizabeth said. 'What if I bring David here too! Then you'll let me? Wow thats actually a nice idea!" He said. "NO!" Elizabteh turned blushing so hard. "You know you do." Alex said. "Come on give in!" Her eyebrow twitch. "Alex..stop..I'm getting embarressed." A huge gasp came from behind. "Oh My gosh!" Rosalind said smakcing her hand on her mouth. "Daniel!!! I can't believe I forgot when he's the only thing I thought of!" She said as tears streamed down her face. "Rosalind take it easy. We're going to visit him this saturday and take out stuff back. I think there maybe problems though." I said feeling guilty. "But but Daniel he was hurt really badly!" She said placing both hands on her head. "He's fine now we found him and he must be begging to heal up." Elizabeth said. "Oh it's all my fault he even got hurt in the first palce." She said feeling even worse. "It's okay Rosalind we will go meet him I promise you." I said patting her back and handing her a tissue. "Actually you know what we're going to meet him tommorow the party doesn't start till 9 so we have plenty of time!" I said smiling. "Oh thank you  Amy you're the best!" She said hugging me.

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