36. Typhoon

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     When the servant stopped gurgling and passed out completely, silence fell heavily on the antechamber. The atmosphere felt like a typhoon had just crashed ashore, leaving all living creatures stunned and dumbstruck. Jade closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to regain her calm. She exhaled slowly through slightly parted lips, and opened her eyes to see Alexandra take cautious steps toward the splintered door.

     Jade moved to follow her, when she caught sight of the orphaned pistol. She turned around and grabbed it. A loud gasp made her flip and raise the heavy gun, taking an uncertain aim at a frozen Alexandra. For a second, Jade was tempted to shoot, maybe not to kill, but to maim the treacherous bitch. Something in the First Mate stance kept her finger from pressing the trigger: round-shouldered, she held the door frame so hard that her knuckles were shining white. Jade lowered the gun and quickly crossed the tiny room. She put a hand high on her mate's shoulder, trying to push her aside. Alexandra complied unwillingly, trembling. All color drained from her face, she took one unsteady step inside the Harbor Master's office and revealed what shocked her.

     Jade had seen many disgusting things in her life, especially since she enrolled on the Lady Lesya five years ago: missing limbs, spurting blood; festered wounds, yellow and reeking from pus; drowned bodies, black and swollen... But it took all her self-control to keep her eyes on the carnage that painted the whole office red.

     "Pizdiets! Not again..." whispered Alexandra.

     "What did...?"

     A typhoon had hit indeed. All the shelves had been knocked down, the books and papers spread in all directions. The huge, heavy desk had been cut in two, torn in half in fact, each part standing upside down, feet apart. The Harbor Master was nowhere to be seen. No... He was everywhere to be seen! Limbs, bowels, brain and body fluids were splattered all over the floor, sprayed on the walls.

     And in a corner, rolled into a ball, lay Savy.

     Reflexes overcame disgusted fascination. Jade threw the pistol away and flew over the wreckage. God, the little queen was so pale! She fell on her knees and pressed two fingers on the girl's throat. Her skin was cold, but at least some blood was still pumping through her veins.

     "Alexandra! Help me here!"

     The only answer she got came from distant voices calling in alarm somewhere in the building. Jade turned around to throw pressing orders to her commanding officer, but the colorful words died on her lips. The fierce woman, second in command on a pirate ship, accustomed to death—giving it without any second thought—looked like a lost little girl. She was shaking her head, eyes wide.

     "Don't you dare pass out too!" Jade was shouting now. "Snap out of it and help me! Now, Alex!"

     Luckily, it seemed to work. Alexandra crossed the red sea and grabbed Savy's frail body. She lifted it with ease. "We have to go. Quickly!"

     "Oh really?" spat Jade, while supporting Savy on her side. The voices were getting closer. "And how do you think we'll do that exactly?"

     "You'll have to follow my lead!" The usual grim determination had returned on Alexandra's face.


      "No questions asked!"

     On that, Alexandra pulled on her shirt bluntly, sending buttons flying. Without a word, she pushed Savy into Jade's arms, squatted and plunged her hands in the blood before splashing her face, jacket, and exposed chest.

     "Your turn!" she said standing up again. "Hurry!"


     Before she could argue any more, Alexandra had seized Jade's shirt with both hands, leaving bloody streaks on the white fabric. The ripping sound made her wince.

     "Now," ordered the First Mate, grabbing Savy again. "Look feeble... Helpless... Like a whiny damsel in distress!"

 Like a whiny damsel in distress!"

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Last update on July 5th, 2019

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