18. Rather idiotic

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     Dune was still standing in the middle of the square, in the exact same spot as before. Above him, the clouds slowly drifted apart, giving way to a lazy sun, still a couple of hours from its zenith.

      Silence had fallen between the pillars once more. Annoyed by the quiet stoicism of his mates, Tiago started to tap his foot again, cracking the silence. A minute later, he shattered it completely. "I heard about a guy dat got the map of one prisão tattooed on his back."

     After a few seconds of reflexion, O'Ma snorted. "Really? That seems... rather idiotic!"

     Tiago shrugged. "I don't know. Sounds useful to me."

     "That's 'cause ye're stupid as well," commented Stalker.

     Tiago smiled and turned around to face his rude mate, ready for some sparring. "First, fuck you, Stalker! Second, explain if you're so inteligente."

     Stalker, still sprawled on the ground, lifted his head. "Tell me, how the hell do ye consult yer fuckin' map if it's on yer back? Did the man stick a mirror up his ass, too?"

     Tiago opened the mouth to answer, but O'Ma went on. "He could have! Did he also ask for the tattoo to be reversed, so that he could actually read it in the mirror?"

     "Maybe he just asked someone else to read the mapa."

     "Hmm... If he had someone trustworthy sharing his cell, perhaps. But fair enough," conceded O'Ma.

     Stalker snuffled loudly and spat a fat gob that landed between Tiago's feet. "What good is a map, if ye're locked in a fuckin' cell?"

     Tiago kicked the dust over the loogie, shoulders sagging. "Alright, alright..."

     Suddenly, someone erupted from one of the side-streets leading to the square. O'Ma screwed up his eyes. "Could it be?..."

     It was a young lad for sure, but it wasn't Flow. The red uniform and the ridiculous furry hat were proof enough. Grim-faced, the three pirates resumed their waiting. They wearily watched the young soldier cross the square, avoiding Dune from a safe distance. When he finally disappeared into the barracks, O'Ma turned towards Tiago. "So, did the tattooed man escape in the end?"

     "Não! He got locked up in a completely different prison."

Last update on May 24th, 2019

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Last update on May 24th, 2019

Stranded - A Pirate's Tale - part 1Where stories live. Discover now