Hearing her sigh, I knew then and there she been trying to get on to him a while now.

"He hasn't been answering any of my calls, facetimes or texts."

"Well you know Aug. He probably in the studio or working on this top secret wedding."

"I figured but when I asked his mother to call, he didnt even pick up then and that's not like him."

She had a point. Regardless of anything he would answer his phone.

"I'll try calling him and if not, I'll go over and check on him."

"Thats big bro."

"No problem."

"Kiss my baby Bash for me."

"I would."

Before getting discharged, we decided on switching around his name, making Sebastian his first name. Reason for it was when Nita called it out, he smiled.

"And send me a picture of my niece at her shoot."

"I got you." She laughed before we ended our call.

Making my way to his nursery, I entered and smiled immediately when I saw him laying there.

Making my way to his nursery, I entered and smiled immediately when I saw him laying there

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Fast asleep, Nita had him swaddled in all this orange.

"Babe?" I called walking out.


Walking into our room, her, my mom and her aunt were busy doing something.

"What the three of y'all up too and what's with all the orange."

"Babe we spoke about this already." She gave me her attention. "Colors have their meanings. His room being in that shade blue promotes that peace and calmness for him while the orange releases the body of spiritual limitations as well as stimulates his mental activity."

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