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I sat silently in the study, I looked at the two sided mirror. The screams of the guy that Nathan had murdered that night rang in my ears. I held my ears frantically and rocked myself. My life was a nightmare that I was not seeming to wake up from. The door opened , Nathan appeared. He was wearing a white soft long sleeve top and white pants, he was bare foot. His hair was messy he looked like something was on his mind. He shut the door, I watched as he walked over to his study desk and poured himself a whiskey.

''I'm sorry ''said Nathan in a husky voice, his back was still faced to me.

''For what exactly, for keeping me as a prisoner for raping me? Or for letting your brother kill my grams! '' I shouted.

''For everything'' said Nathan, I watched as he drank his drink and poured another one.

I stood up.

''I wish I never came to this fucking town! I wish I never knocked on your door by accident! I wish I never saw your brother ! I wish I never saw any of you!!! Look at me you fucking coward!'' I bellowed as I stood behind Nathan.

Nathan turned around, tears filled his blue orbs.

''Why now Nathan ! Why apologise now! '' I cried as I started to hit at his chest. As I hit him repeatedly he grabbed both my arms and pulled me into a hug.

''Because of you I feel alive ! You're the only normal thing in my life! That's all I ever wanted !!! I just wanted to be fucking normal! '' shouted Nathan. I pulled away from him.

''You ruined my life'' I said quietly as I looked into Nathan's eyes tears streamed down my face.

'' I just wanted to be loved Madison'' Nathan said quietly.

''You can never be loved Nathan you're sick'' I shouted

Nathan picked up his glass and threw at across the study letting it smash to pieces.

''You think I don't know that I'm broken beyond repair!'' Shouted Nathan.

'''I can change for you'' said Nathan in a desperate voice.

I stepped back.

''That's the thing Nathan you can't change you're a monster'' I said as I rushed past him and left the study.

Nathan's p.o.v.

I loved Madison beyond words , but she was right I was a monster who couldn't change. I walked over to the two sided mirror. Even looking at my reflection hurt me, I hated the person staring back. I couldn't let Madison go, I loved her and that's why I needed to be selfish and do everything in my power to keep her.


It was my tenth birthday, mother was at work all day. When I came back from school father was sitting at the kitchen table.

''How was school son ?'' Asked father

'' it was good, Riley and Austin have gone to Jonathan's they said they don't care it's my birthday'' I said sadly.

''Son why don't you come here and take a seat'' said father seriously.

I didn't question him. I done as I was told. I sat down on the chair next to him.

''You had a good birthday ? '' asked father as he stroked my head.

''It was okay I suppose, mom said she's bringing me a cake after she finishes work'' I smiled

''Son there's something I need to tell you, actually why don't we have your mother tell you'' said father.

''She's at work '' I answered confused

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