forty three

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Madison was rushed off her feet, the café was always busy in the morning. I watched from behind my newspaper as she smiled and served the people without a worry in the world. I had finally tracked her down. It took me one year and 11 months, I had searched high and low for her it was like she disappeared off the face of the earth. I watched as she flicked her brown locks behind her ear, her green eyes always smiling but they held so much pain. Only I could understand how she felt. I hated the short dress she wore, I could see the guys ogling over her but she was oblivious. She was mine no one was going to take her from me. She got a phone call she rushed in the kitchen out back ,I could vaguely see her, she looked worried.

''Everything okay Christina '' asked another waitress, Madison had changed her name.

'' yea it's Gabriel I need to go, I promise I'll make up the hours'' she said as she grabbed her bag.

'' sure honey ! You don't worry about it'' said the woman.

I watched Madison exit the café, I left some Cash for my coffee and got up, I adjusted my black cap. I watched as she crossed the street, I followed behind, after what seemed like fifteen minutes she disappeared into a child care centre. After hanging around for a few minutes, that's when I saw her and my son. I walked behind her a little closer now. I listened to what they were saying.

'' you don't feel well Gabriel honey ? '' she said as she held his hand and crossed the street.

'' I think it was the pizza we had mummy'' said Gabriel looking sad.

''Lets get you home baby '' said Madison

Gabriel looked a year and a half that meant Madison was already about three months pregnant when she left me that day. They finally reached home, I looked at the window as the curtains were pulled back, I could see Madison twirling Gabriel in the air. He looked exactly like me, he had jet black hair and blue eyes. His hair was long and kept neatly back, he was a mini me. I would leave Madison for now but it was just a matter of time before I took what was rightfully mine her and my son.


It had been over a year and a half since I watched Nathan die. Six months later I had given birth to my son Gabriel I hadn't a clue that I was pregnant it was only when I was around four months I realised when a bump appeared and I started to have morning sickness. I had decided to reside in this town it was a small community it took me ages to adjust. When I would be at work I would still feel like I was being watched. I reminded myself Nathan was dead. It was just me and Gabriel. I got a job at a quiet café, it covered our living expenses.

Evening had come I put Gabriel in his bed he was down for the night. I stared at him as I stroked his hair, he was the spitting image of Nathan, difference was Gabriel wasn't poison, whereas Nathan was evil and toxic. I would never let my son be like Nathan. I put the blanket over gabe. I decided to take a long hot shower, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I entered the bedroom, I grabbed a silk white chemise from the draw and pulled it over my hair. I then dried my hair with the towel. I went over to the bedroom window, I looked out onto the street people were still walking around tonight was busy I preferred being on a Main Street with people passing by. I never wanted to feel secluded. As I was about to turn to get into bed, I looked closely by the tree, I could see someone in black.

''What the '' I said in disbelief it looked like Nathan. I closed my eyes counted to three and opened them again, the person was gone. My imagination had just ran wild, Nathan was dead. With that last thought I got in bed. I tossed and turned all through the night. I was thirsty I needed water, I sat up, it was dark I didn't bother putting my lamp on. I took the glass from the side of my bed stand and had a few sips. Then my body froze, sitting on the ottoman in front of me, lurking in the dark shadows was Nathan. My hand started to shake, water started to spill out the glass. Sitting like the devil himself in his black t.shirt and black jeans. His cheekbones looking prominent, his jet black hair was neatly flicked behind his ears. He smirked at me looking amused.

I closed my eyes.

''Nathans dead Nathans dead, one two three'' I said chanting before I opened my eyes.

He was gone.

''Fuck! '' what was wrong with me I was going out of my mind, I quickly put my glass on the bed stand and got up, I had to check on gabe. I practically sprinted to his room, I opened his door, I could see a shape under the sheets.

''Thank god'' I whispered as I walked towards his bed. I sat slowly on his bed moving his sheet back.

''No no no!!!!'' There was a pillow instead of him. I stood up my head started to spin.

''Gabriel!!!! Gabriel!!!!'' I shouted the house down. I started stumbling everywhere. I felt light headed, what was happening to me. I fell on the floor, I crawled on the floor out into the hallway, I grabbed onto the balcony, trying to pull myself up.

''Gabrielll!'' My words slurred. Then two big hands lifted me up trying to stand me up. I looked at the blue orbs that I thought I would never see again. It was Nathan. He held me facing him. He kissed me on my forehead then forced his lips onto mine kissing me with so much force.

''I missed you so much baby'' he said in a a hoarse voice.

''You was dead , I saw you die'' I said struggling with my words. Nathan still had me in his arms.

''How could I leave you baby even god didn't want you to part from me'' said Nathan as he stroked my hair. I was sweating so much sweat beads had formed on my head.

''Where's my son! '' I said trying to move but I couldn't my body was frozen, then I realised after I had the water I didn't feel good, shit Nathan had drugged me.

''You mean our son, he's fine' I've come to take you both home'' he said kissing me on my cheek.

''Home? '' I said confused and then a darkness came over me, my eyelids felt heavy as they shut.


I slowly opened my eyes I was about to move but couldn't, my arms ached. As I fully opened my eyes I suddenly realised where I was. My hands were shackled to a pole from the ceiling, I was in Nathan's torture chamber.

''Nooooooooooooo'' I screamed as I tried to free myself.

In entered Nathan, he smiled as he looked at me.

''Hello baby welcome home'' smiled Nathan as he ran his finger over my breasts. I was still in my short white chemise.

''Where's my son Nathan !!!! You fucking Hurt him I will kill you !!!!! '' I screamed as tears streamed down my face.

''He's with uncle Lukas, no need to worry'' said Nathan with his lust filled eyes.

'' one year eleven months and twelve days I was without you'' said Nathan as he dug his face into the side of mine.

''I thought I would never find you again'' whispered Nathan.

'' I hate your fucking guts Nathan, I wish you had fucking died !'' I screamed

''That's ok baby you'll learn to love me in time but now I need to punish you baby, So you will never ever think to leave me again..'' said Nathan. Nathan pulled his t-shirt off from his torso with one hand pulling it over his head. I saw a deep scar on his stomach where I had stabbed him. He walked over to the door and shut it. He then looked at his tools, he picked up a thick long black whip. He walked over to me barefooted with his black jeans hanging off his waist.

''Scream for me baby, scream my name, your the Devils desire'' he smiled.

====================================THE END=================================

Pleasseeee tell me what you guys thought all comments are much appreciated. Was it what you expected should Madison have died or should we have let Nathan die???? Please comment , Thankyou all for the support on this book I appreciate it beyond words , I know who you are who have messaged me and voted and shown so much love!

LOVE YOU ALL xxxxxxxxxxxx

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