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                                                                   CHAPTER TWENTY THREE

I sat leg crossed on the bed,Daisy's mouth was moving but i was oblivious to what she was saying, she was curling her hair.It was her idea to go to the fair tonight, i was dressed, i opted for a short black floral dress and black short cowboy ankle boots, my hair was in a messy high bun and my makeup was to a minimal.

''That's it im done'' said Daisy looking over herself in the mirror, she was wearing a yellow tea dress and white high heels, her blonde curled locks hung over her shoulders.I stood up and patted my dress down.

''Wait'' said Daisy as she picked up a lipstick from my dresser.

''Puker up'' she said, i pouted as she spread a rich red lipstick over my lips.

''There you look gorge'' said Daisy

''I don't feel it''i replied

''Whats wrong with you?, since this morning you been a little off'' asked Daisy suspiciously

''I'm fine'' i lied, flashes of Nathan beating those guys to a pulp this morning had been playing on my mind ever since.

''Okay lets go, Riley's making his way down there'' smiled Daisy

''Cool'' i replied


Daisy pulled the truck up on the grass, we reached here.I opened my door and stepped out the truck slamming the door behind me.I looked at the fair entrance, there was couples everywhere laughing and joking.I wrapped my arms around myself insecurely.

''Come on'' said Daisy as she grabbed my hand and we skipped through the fair entrance.I looked around it was beautiful there was thousands of lights lit everywhere.

''Howdy Ladies'' said a familiar voice.I turned around to see Riley embracing Daisy lifting her feet from the ground.They kissed the faces of each other.He slowly put her back on her feet.

''Howdy Madison'' Riley said showing me his dimples, he kissed me unexpectedly on my cheek.

''Hey Riley'' i said looking around

''Austin was busy tonight'' said Riley as he followed my wondering eyes.

I just nodded, i knew he wouldn't have come anyway, not since he hasn't returned my calls.

''Nathans around though'' smirked Riley

''Really?'' i asked

''yea he's helping out, you''ll probably bump into him'' grinned Riley

I just gave half a smile,after my eventful morning i was hoping i wouldn't see him.

''Well im going to leave you both alone, im going to look around'' i said at a distracted Daisy who was too busy kissing Riley's face.

''OH wait'' said Riley as he took something out of his pocket, it was a white band, he grabbed my wrist and slid the band on.

''What's this?'' i asked

''It's a band so you can go on any of the rides'' smiled Riley

''Thank you how much do i owe you'' i said to Riley as i took out some cash from my pocket

''Please don't insult me Madison, put your money away'' said Riley his pupils had dilated,he looked like a bull seeing red, i nervously put the cash back in my pocket.

''Enjoy yourself!'' shrieked Daisy as i walked off.

''I will'' i shouted back.

I made my way through the crowds of people.An unnerving feeling came down my back, i felt like i was being watched, i look behind me and i couldn't see anything unusual.I was just being paranoid.Suddenly a loud evil laugh ringed in my ears, i looked to see where it was coming from, it was a ride called DEVILS TRAIN.It looked creepy, I started to walk over to it.It was empty, there was one guy in the booth who was controlling the ride and there was a tall guy standing in front of the empty carriages, he had a white fitted top on and light blue ripped jeans with suspenders hanging over his ass.His face was covered with a white ski mask with holes in it like the one Jason x wears .It gave me the chills.The guy slowly moved his head and looked at me tilting his head like a psycho.

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