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Chapter twenty nine

I looked at my reflection that was staring back at me, i hated this mirror. I was at Nathan's, Nathan was making brunch while I wondered the mansion. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist.

''Brunch is ready '' said Nathan whilst he nuzzled his nose in my hair.

'' I hate this mirror'' I said still trying to look behind it.

''There's only bricks behind it,the way you are staring at it, it's like you're expecting something to pop out'' laughed Nathan.

''Umm, come on let's eat I'm hungry'' I said as I turned around to face Nathan.

Nathan kissed me softly on my lips.

''You are so beautiful you know that'' said Nathan as he stroked my face.

''Yes you tell me at least a hundred times a day'' I said rolling my eyes.

''And I won't stop'' said Nathan so seriously.

''Lets go and eat ''I said grabbing Nathan's hand.


I sat on the huge plush couch in the humongous sitting room. I was pulling my ankle boots on when Nathan walked on in. He sat on the coffee table in front of me.

''So what are your plans for today?'' Asked Nathan

'' go home shower and then I'm going to have a clear out '' I said as I finished putting my boots on.

''Do you want me to come over later, we can watch a movie'' said Nathan

''Umm I was going to actually have a early night '' I said, I could see the disappointment on Nathan's face.

''Okay, I got a few things I have to take care of,if you change your mind just come on over or give me a ring'' said Nathan as he leaned forward. I got up and kissed Nathan on the cheek.

I was about to walk off when Nathan grabbed my hand and pulled me in between his legs.

''What?'' I asked confused

''Never kiss me on my cheek, always on the lips'' said Nathan gripping my hand tightly.

''Oh shut up'' I said as I tried pulling away, but Nathan's grip got tighter pulling me back into him.

''I said on the lips'' he said gazing into my eyes, I decided against arguing so I kissed him on the lips.

''Thank you '' he said smiling as he let go of my hand.

''Happy? I have to go'' I said

'' okay drive safe'' replied Nathan

As I walked off I thought that was so weird the way Nathan acted but I needed to stop doubting him every time.Nathan was in love with me I could see that and I was falling in love with him. I got in the truck and headed home.


I showered and got dressed in some denim shorts and white t,shirt. As I came out of my room I looked at grams room, I was reluctant to go in the room. I took a deep breath and walked towards grams door. I slowly opened the door, I looked around before I stepped inside. I stepped inside the warm room, sunlight was beaming through the window,I sat on the bed. I looked around the room and remembered how grams would be brushing her hair and how'd she be changing her bed sheets. Tears fell from my eyes, I got up and opened the storage room door that was in her room, I took out a box and decided to clean her room. I started with the bed sheets, I pulled the sheets all off and folded them and placed them in the box. I put some fresh white linen sheets on the bed. I opened the window to let some air in the room. I dusted down grams dresser, I looked at the photos she had of me and her and of my parents. I decided to leave the photo frames but I put grams jewellery and perfumes in the box. The top of the dresser was done. I grabbed another box, I opened the dresser and ran my hands over grams neatly folded clothes, she never had much she was such a simple woman who loved basic things in life. I slowly took out the folded clothing and placed it into the empty box, I emptied all five draws. I placed the two heavy boxes in the storage room. I sat on the bed and looked at the room, you couldn't tell it was grams room but her jasmine perfume smell still filled the air and I loved it.

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