Chapter thirty four

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Chapter thirty four

I slowly opened my eye lids the light suddenly hit my pupils. I quickly sat up and took in my surroundings, I was in bed, in Nathan's bed I quickly moved the sheets back and ran towards the door. I looked at the clock on the wall it was seven in the morning I frantically ran down the long corridor as fast as I could down the stairs. I was in a inch of the door when a arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back.

''Get off me!!! '' I screamed, the hand quickly released me. I turned around to be met by Nathan.

'' get away from me! '' I screamed

'' calm down'' said Nathan while putting both hands Up in the air.

''Where's Daisy?? As soon as I go from here I'm going straight to the cops! '' I yelled at Nathan.

''There's no need I already called them'' said Nathan quietly

Then there was a knock on the door, I quickly opened the door. Standing was a cop he removed his hat from his head.

''Howdy miss lee, Nathan called us he said you have some information regarding the night you was attacked'' he said

''Yes! I know who it was'' I said panting.

'' just a minute mam the sheriff is just getting your statement from the truck'' he said

'' I don't want to talk here'' I said frantically

'' miss lee may I introduce the sheriff to you , mr Braxton'' he said stepping to the side.

''Braxton? '' I muttered, that was Nathan's family name. Then Nathan's uncle Lukas stepped in front of me.

''Hi Madison , Nathan called us, we understand you remember who attacked you'' he said

Suddenly the cops walkie talkie went off he answered it straight away.

'' I'm going to have to leave you miss lee don't worry you're in safe hands, I need to get back to the station'' he said

''But-'' before I could say anything the officer was gone. Lukas came forward and shut the door behind him.

I felt trapped and uncomfortable. Nathan was standing quietly with his hands in his pockets.

''Madison ? '' said Lucas

'' you never told me you was the sheriff'' I said in disbelief.

'' I didn't think it was relevant to say'' he said calmly.

'' I know who attacked me '' I said

Lukas looked at Nathan.

''Nathan would you leave us for a moment please'' said Lukas

Nathan squinted his eyes at me, if only looks could kill, he slowly walked off into the sitting room. Me and Lukas stood by the front door.

'' it was Nathan'' I blurted out.

'' well now miss lee I think you're very confused, how can you be so sure? '' said Lukas

'' I found the clothes that the attacker was wearing, it was in Nathan's study'' I said, a tear slipped from my eye.

'' miss lee, you've only been in this town for a few months, Nathan and our family founded this town and you want to go and tarnish his reputation by saying these false accusations'' said Lukas

'' I don't give a fuck about your family name and reputation, my grams was murdered and I was raped and beaten by the same sick fuck and to top things off I find the attackers clothing in Nathan's study, which has most likely disappeared by now! '' I yelled

'' calm down miss lee, the thing is when Nathan Called us he told us you was going to say this and he already has a alibi for that night which we checked out'' said Lukas whilst he ruffled through his papers.

''What! How fucking convenient is that'' I said shaking my head erratically.

''He was in mr furlongs bar he was there and seen by many witnesses until three a.m, where on the other hand you was attacked at roughly one thirty'' he said flicking through the statements in his hand.

My head started to spin, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

'' how about I give you a lift home, I think you're just a little confused Madison'' said Lukas

'' okay'' I said in a daze as I touched my forehead, it felt like it was going to explode. I quickly opened the door and walked bare foot to the truck. Lukas followed behind, I opened the truck door and quickly got in. I looked up as I felt someone watching me. Nathan stood by the front door and slowly took out his packet of cigarettes and lit one. It felt like his eyes were boring into my skull, I cringed in my seat. Lukas got in and started the engine.

''Lets get you home miss lee'' said Lukas.


I got in the house I slammed the door shut behind me. I made my way upstairs, I looked at Daisy's room. I was just about to open the door fully when I seen Daisy and Riley asleep in bed. I stepped back and quickly went into my own room. I shut the door and sat on the bed, I held my face in my hands and started crying. I was going crazy, how could I have accused Nathan, even though Lukas had evidence which put Nathan in the clear why did my gut feeling tell me there was something Nathan was hiding. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower, I finished washing and put on a simple short white sun dress. My face was make up free, I let my long brown wet locks hang over my shoulder. I went downstairs. As I entered the kitchen Daisy and Riley looked like they were in a heated argument.

'' hey , you guys ok? '' I asked innocently. Daisy had both of her hand on Riley's arms,he looked at me and pushed her away.

'' how the fuck could you accuse my brother of fucking attacking you!'' Shouted Riley.

My face blushed with embarrassment I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

'' it was my misunderstanding Riley'' I said timidly.

Riley grabbed his jacket off the table and as he walked past me he whispered in my ear.

''He didn't need to rape you because he was already fucking you ! '' he said spitefully.

Tears gushed down my face, Riley walked off slamming the front door hard. Daisy quickly ran up to me.

'' just ignore him hunny, those fucking brothers stick together through thick and thin'' Daisy said hugging me.

''It's not my fault'' I sobbed

'' I know'' replied Daisy as she comforted me.

I pulled away slowly.

''I need some air, I'll be back later '' I said as I wiped my tears.

''Where you going??'' Yelled Daisy after me as I took the trucks keys off the key hook.

'' I don't know '' I replied and shut the front door after myself. I got in the truck and drove.


After around twenty minutes of driving I pulled the truck to a halt, I rested my aching head against the steering wheel. I looked up at the house in front of me. I got out the truck. I knocked on the door waiting for a response after a few minutes the door opened, I started to cry,

'' I'm sorry I didn't have no where else to go'' I cried.

Austin smiled and pulled me close and embraced me in a tight hug.

'' I -I told you I-I'm always here for you Madison'' he said whilst stroking my hair.


Devils Desireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें