The Vamp's Girl [33]

Start from the beginning

“Yo Cassanova.” I greeted him, he turned to blink at me a few times.

“Good sun long have you been standing there?” He asked and I stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Poor boy was completely lovestruck.

“I’ve been here the whole time!” I exclaimed and he sheepishly laughed.

“My apologies...I was-wa-was in such a rush to return Leddett Timia’s rock that I...forgot to greet you.” He said, his lying was terrible. That was definately a good quality for him and I laughed. They all stared at me wondering if I had finally gone bad and I took that as my chance. I quick as lightning grabbed Seth in a head lock and gave him a noggie.

“AP-AP-APRIL!!!” He said squriming under my arm; making me laugh evilly.

“BWAHAHAHAHAS. JUST ASK THE GIRL OUT ALREADY!” I said releasing him from my headlock and shoving him towards Timia who squealed in suprise before I walked off. They could thank me later.

I laughed as I walked, people must have thought I was crazy but who cared. If happiness was with me, I should enjoy it before it runs out right?

“I might say, this time you’ve gone mad April.” I turned to see keilor walking beside me immediately and I only smiled. Before I could reply, he grabbed my hand and began to pull me along with his run.

“Suprise picnic!” He proclaimed and I let him pull me out onto the lush fields where he had already set up. I plonked onto the blankets as he began to put food onto the plate. Besides being a Master of Battle Keilor could really cook.

“I was looking for you.” I said picking up my cup and taking a sip from it. Keilor settled himself and began to eat the sandwich.

“Because my Lady missed me?” He chuckled with that usual smirk of his and I glared at him.

“Because it seemed that someone had been neglecting his duties as a trainor. You’re suppose to be training those men properly. Not just doubling it so you can spend the rest of the day with me.” I lectured taking a bite of the delicious sandwich, trying to maintain my authorative state of mind - however the sandwich was distracting.

“I thought you’d be flattered April. Besides if I don’t spend time with you, you might believe I’ve neglected you.” He said a little smile tugged his lips but I could tell he was serious. Ever since the day where we first kissed in the Market Gathering Keilor would smile whenever he was around me. Not in a fake way but a way truly meant for me. I rubbed the one wing pendant for a moment.

“I am flattered; I just don’t think your men appreciate it. It wouldn’t be good if they lose their respect for you.” I scolded, he was silent. He just ate his sandwich in silence and I sighed - so maybe I might have ruined the sweet moment he’d put together for me. Guilt was certainly lurking around now.

“So...will you visit Knight D?” I asked him, trying to change the subject, Keilor drained his drink and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. I rolled my eyes at him, taking his now dirty hand and with my other I fished in my pocket for a hanky. I quickly cleaned his hand and he smiled suddenly grabbing my hand and pulling me so that I leaned on his lap. I blushed and Keilor laughed knowing that he’d caught me off guard. He loved to do it, find new ways to suprise me, it was like a game to him.

“I think Domak will enjoy the time away from the Castle. Afterall...Mara is there.” Keilor leaned back his hands supporting him, he tilted his head back to stare into the beautiful sky. The wind silently brushing his hair along his face. I frowned, I remember telling Knight D that I was courting Keilor. At first he seemed furious but then he simply walked away; I didn’t understand it at first until I asked him about it. He told me, it couldn’t be helped. It was suppose to happen - therefore it did happen. The look of defeat did not escape from his face so I told him maybe it was always not me. Perhaps it was always Mara - I always just clouded his judgement. With that thought he’d requested time off to visit his hometown. I smiled, no doubt to see Mara.

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