The Vamp's Girl [06]

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I opened my eyes and looked around the dim lit cave, it was surprisingly warn despite the fact there was no fire or much light. I sat up and look towards the mouth of the cave, a bright light was shining through, I slowly got up my body still feeling weak, I went to the mouth. Looking out I was in a forest, green trees and exotic flowers could be seen in the bright light. I stared up expecting the sunlight to warm me but I as looked up it was a moon shining as brightly as the sun. I held out a hand and the light sent little tingles across my skin. There were two moons, one was the day moon which shone as bright as any sun and the night moon was actually slightly darker than the day moon, it was more like a cloudy afternoon.

“Get away from the light.” My heart skipped a beat as I turned around, Keilor’s glowing gray eyes met mine, the tone in his voice sounded tired. I obeyed him stepping away from the light, my footsteps echoing through the well lit cave, I sat down next to him looking into his face. He looked tired I reached my hand up to touch his cheek but he grabbed my hand to stop me.

“Sit on the other side.” He said turning his head away towards the mouth of the cave, he took a deep breath and shoved me lightly, I fell onto the warm floor for a moment before I went to the other side and sat down the shirt that I had been laying there.

“Why did you come for me?” I croaked to him, my throat was so sore and thinking about what happened with Nath sent tears prickling to my eyes.

“You thought we didn’t care?” He asked closing his eyes and letting out a sigh, I watched his stiff figure sitting against the wall his knees drawn up and his hands resting on them. I must have been sitting on his uniform shirt, as he was only wearing a white tank top. That was actually a nice change from his usual black uniform.

“No one…really cared.” I mumbled as I stared at the roof of the cave, it began to glow like yellow stars. Reminding me of the song Yellow, I'd been forced to sing, I heard the soft lyrics in my head echo as his voice caught my attemtion.

“I care.” His voice broke the silence and I turned to look at him, his glowing gray eyes met mine and my heart remained calm. No one ever told me they cared before, not knowing how to react I turned away and faced the wall. I didn’t want to cry in front of him. I didn’t want him to see how lonely my heart was. How heartless I felt, how fragile I felt. Because at any moment all of that would break the wall I built up, any moment I felt like I’d break.

He let out a chuckle and I heard him move slightly from the wall, I rolled over to watch him run a hand through his hair.

“We’re stuck here.” He said, his voice sounding like it was admitting defeat.

“What do you mean?” I asked him sitting up, feeling all my bones and muscles ache from not eating for who knows how long. I felt the last of Nath’s damned drugs burning out of my system.

“I have no more blood to get us home.” He said his eyes avoiding mine. “It’s a three day walk from here to the Capitol.” I nodded, was he hinting something to me? “Feeding season will start as soon as the sun dims it’s light.” I stayed quiet not fully understanding what he was trying to tell me. “Come here.” He finally called to me with a two finger gesture. I went over to him, he turned his head for a moment staring at the mouth, taking a deep breath before he turned to look at me. His hand reached into a pocket of his pants and pulled out an odd looking blade.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be able to control myself around you.” He chuckled, stretching his legs out, shoving the odd blade into my hands. It was small, but it looked dangerously sharp, the metal itself was a gray black. There was a red ribbon hanging off the handle and a lion carved onto the blade itself.

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