24. Girl Meets Done.

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"I just don't understand.... you have no cure?"

"It just depends how your body reacts to the surgery or medicine..." Dr. Pain sighs.

"I'd like the surgery."

"Don't you want to put some thought into-?"

"No. I know that the surgery might work better so I want to do it. Hurry up and get me an appointment."


Maya Hart's POV


I sigh, and look up at the cute little cowboy on the floor next to me. He jumps up and offers me his hand.

I shake my head and get up myself.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Shh... you're making a scene," I hush.

"When have you cared about what other people think?" He asks me. "Now what are you doing? The kids need you at home."

"I quit."

"The kids need you, Isaac needs you to sing him his lullaby," He reminds me. Completely ignoring me.

"I quit."

"And Lizzy is whining about having no eggs that are cooked like yours, or at least that's what Zay says," He says.

"I quit."

"And the twins need held," He reminds me again.

"I quit Lucas!" I shout. "I don't care about your goddamned project!"

"I need you Maya. Please."

"I sighed papers, I'm at school. I quit the project, I don't have anything to do with it anymore. I'm not a Mom, and I don't care what happens to you or those kids."

His face falls, and he fists clench.

A small part of me begins to freak out. He looks like Texas Lucas.

But then he unclenches his fists, and just stares at me with eyes as angry as Tombstone the Bull.

"How dare you promise," Lucas says. "How dare you promise those kids they'd have a happy life, after their terrible one. And then create that pain all over again! You're a hypocrite!"

I smirk at him. "I don't care."


Riley Matthew-Minkus' POV

The days pasted by, and my hope and joy began to fade.

Farkle was constantly hovering over my shoulder and asking me questions. And I could tell that the kids sensed something was wrong too.

And it didn't help that Lucas just put a bunch more stress on Farkle an I. Actually no, know to think about it, it's kind of Maya's fault.

Lucas knocked on the Minkus' door softly, trying to make himself manly and tough.

Ya, that didn't happen.

Farkle opened the door, and frowned. He was still pissed off at Lucas. Even if he'd visited him yesterday.

"What do you want?"

"C-can I come in?" He whimpers.

Farkle nods his head, and he opens the door. He could sense the fact that Lucas was so hurt.

The Texan ran to their couch and sat down. He then broke down in tears.


Lucas Friar was crying.

He never. Ever. Cried.

"Lucas! What happened?" Farkle asks. He rushes over to his old best friend and sits down.

"S-she left. S-she quit."

"Who quit?"

Farkle knew that they both knew that he knew the answer to that, but he had to actually hear it.


Lucas cried harder, and Farkle was quite taken aback with fright. He'd helped crying Mayas and Rileys. But never a crying Lucas.

Lucas was one of the toughest people he knew. Well, other than Maya Hart.


"She didn't say," He whimpered. "But she said she didn't care about me or our kids. Or what are they now? Mine?"

"Oh Lucas-"

"But it's my fault!" He screeches.

Lucas felt like a little child, he was sure acting like that.

But he knew he couldn't do this on his own. He wasn't ready.

"How is it your fault?"

"Because!" Lucas yells. "I left! I left her by herself for three months! And then I came back and was a jerk! I didn't recognize it completely until it was too late! Now she's ditched our family!"

Farkle thought things through. "Do you forgive yourself for that?"

"Never," He replied. "How could I?! I left my family!"

"But you came back!"

"Who cares if I came back?! I shouldn't have left in the first place! I messed everything up!"

Farkle sighs. "You kind of did.... but you can fix it."

"How Farkle?! How do I fix this mess?!"

"You take care of those kids yourself."

I kiss Farkle lightly on the lips before I leave for the doctors office. I am truly dreaming out, and I desperately want Maya.

But she quit. And she hasn't talked to me since.

I pull up in the driveway, and am led into a room.

They decide to do an ultrasound, to be able to see all the cancer in my stomach.

"Well?" I ask curiously. "How is it?"

"It's... uhh..." The doctor replies, clearly shocked. "Really bad."



And yet another short chapter. 😭.

How's life people?

How's the book?

Mad at Maya?

Rate Chapter.

Riley thoughts?

Okay bye loves.

~E ❤️💕💞

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